I am reposting this for a daughter...
“You are the mother you have been waiting for. When you focus on the mother, you become motherless.”
Byron Katie
Happy Birthday Mom, I want to thank you for all you taught me. All the pain you suffered so I could get it right. I want to thank you for staying true to form, for staying the course, so I could see by your example where it would lead me. I had you to show me the awful way it would turn out, if I was not strong, if I had no courage, if I had only fear.
It is your birthday, and I wish you well, I hold no resentments or anger. I have lived as you and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Your walk is hard it is not an easy one. I know the trials on the way, the blindness, the unknowing, no memory, no path, the lost hopes, the dreams that never arrive, the pit of desperation, of false hopes, of others changing, endless roads to no where.
I know how it is to hurt unintentionally, to see but not see, to hear but not hear, to have children you can’t protect, to lose more than your heart can hold.
Some how, by some miracle, I have been spared of lifetime of that. I have been allowed to spring free, allowed to know a new me. I was able to walk free of the prison that holds you so tight.
We don’t know why I was set free, why I walked away, why I could see what you never could, why I could hear reality. All we know is that the two of us are the same, but different, for some reason you had to be left behind in a hole of a million sorrows.
I stand here outside in the brightness of day, with truth and honesty, reality and kindness. I know why you did what you did, for you didn’t have another way.
If I had to wish a wish for you, it would be this, “I wish you love, peace and joy, a Heaven of bliss”
It is because of you, I am who I am.
Ironically we were both motherless yours died when you were two.
You had no one to show you the way.
As a mother I know it would bring me great peace to know that my life was for naught.
Yours was not, for you gave birth to me.
If only I could return the favor and lead you out free, but it doesn’t seem to be the way of it for now.
I leave you knowing where you are, and I wish you peace.
God’s Peace.