There is natural, whole and then substitutes, substitutes for whole and natural. Is that possible? Is that right? Can you really make up a natural thing?
Sugar has many substitutes, we don’t know why. I guess real sugar was bad for us, or was it that we were bad to sugar. Bad that we ate too much! So they made it so we didn’t have to change, they changed what we ate.
Love, now can you make a substitute for that? Peace, can you make a substitute for that? Truth? Joy? I wonder how many things have no substitute?
What would be the substitute for truth? Is it a lie? No, that is the opposite?
It seems to me, there are things that have no substitute I guess they would be the absolutes. Would an absolute and a substitute be the opposites? Is there an absolute you and a substitute you?
So then there could be two of you. A real one and a fake one, excuse me “a substitute”. How do you then tell the real from the not real in you?
That seems like it would be an easy one to answer, for you live in you, you walk around as you, you talk as you, as far as you know, there is only one of you.
In many instances, with many different people, they would slip and call me by a name that is similar but not mine. And each time, they used the same ‘substitute’ name. Let’s say it is Barb. I would jokingly say that Barb was the rebel, she was the one who was my “alter ego”.
Now if you don’t know there are two of you and you walk around as one, who gets to make the choices. Who is the real driver of this boat?
In my experience the substitute rules! But, in my case the substitute is the truth. And the poster is the lie.
Hard to follow….here is the deal.
In my past I was unaware of being molested, so I walked around like an unmolested girl. Unmolested is the substitute. Molested is the truth.
So I guess the answer is the absolute and the substitute are opposites. And it seems we are either driven by one or the other. Only one driver, in the case of two, wouldn’t you have multiple personality disorder.
Disorder, something is out of order. Out of order inside of us. I believe you can have the intentions correctly in your mind, but you don’t know how to execute the plan. I believe we are utterly in disbelief when the opposite happens.
Maybe we are one person in our heads and another driving the actions or emotions? Is that possible?
I am not a scientist, a doctor, just a woman who has lived this out.
Here is what I would do. My mind would say “love your father” but my body would say, I can’t, and not do it. It was like there were two masters and you could not please either one. One was driven by fear, my body…the other was driven by outward conformities.
I was in the middle being pulled this way and that. Isn’t there a children’s song, “did you every see a Lassy go this way and that way…” I just knew I had to stop the pull, that I would only listen to one.
I chose my body. It has never let me down. It is my Temple.
I have experienced life in pain, and now I will try the opposite, I will listen to my body and follow, with no resistance, without an agenda, no plans.
My body knows the way. It naturally does, once you get dysfunction out of the way. We do not teach babies to cry or laugh….even the smallest among us know how to be a human naturally.
The Body is the truth and the way. The Intelligence that is inside is my guide. My gut reaction and I will put no other before It. I walk alone, led by the Source of Intelligence.
It can’t be taught, It can only be experienced, and sometimes, you have to go to Hell to get It. And really, It isn’t in hell, but it gets you through it.
Isn’t there another child’s song, “you can’t go around it, you can’t go over it, you can’t go under it, you have to go right through it.” Through it doesn’t mean you have to get comfortable there, you are just a guest in Hell.
A Guest is not the owner of, but one who comes to visit!