We can look at life from two views, one where you are secure in the patterns you have cultivated or walking outside the patterns.
Do we think different and then act, or do we act different and then begin to think about life differently?
Why do we even have patterns, what is their purpose, do they really make life more controllable, more manageable? Can we manage life, or does life manage us?
Are we being shaped and sculpted by life? Will the tragedies of life define who we are? What is this all about? Surely life isn’t just tweaking us about for its jollies!
Maybe we need to look at life from Its point of view, instead of from our point. Our point will always seem personal, and limited. Instead if you look at what life is trying to teach you, how it is trying to get your attention, how each situation is for inner growth. We learn more and more about ourselves in places that are difficult, when our thoughts and beliefs are challenged. Life sometimes seems to be stretching our limited thinking.
While pondering the patterns or being like Art, it occurred to me that many are in fear of stepping out of patterns. Fear that locks them in a pattern, unable to just do one thing differently. Yet sometimes we are tossed out of the patterns and the thing we fear the most happens!
It is in those moments we are then able to make a choice. Do we sit in a broken pattern and work like hell to make it work, or do walk out of a pattern into a new foreign land fearlessly. Not that there isn’t fear, but we step anyway. Walk in the face of fear.
Fear inside of you can be excitement, high energy, thrilling, and scary all at the same time. But oddly enough you feel very alive with razor sharp newness. Doing anything new for the first time has your fullest attention
As a student of a new way, learning and practicing until we have conquered the fear, adding a new dimension to ourselves.
We are all students doing things for the first time. Just the first times may be different from person to person. But I don’t believe that you get to come to this planet and not get lessons. Some are hard won, some turn us upside down or right-side-up.
It is not whether you will get a lesson, but whether you will succeed at it, will you be able to fearlessly walk.
In my experience, the greater the fear, the greater the lesson at hand.
We do have the choice of either standing in a spot and refuse to learn, and it will shrink us, or we can decide to at least try and see if we can do the lesson.
See what is. See what life has dished us up. It is on our plates, now what? What will you do? What can you do? What choices are now sitting there? Can you see the choice? Do you have the courage to walk, or will it be easier to sit down. Sit down where? Usually you are asked to sit in the middle of a mess and do what? Learn to live in a messy spot, in discomfort and stress, learn to live with the anxiety within? Or, you can take the mess and use it as fertile soil to grow into a better you.
We never know what is within us, what supports us, how the Universe always has our best interest at heart, until we are standing up to our necks or in over our heads in a sea of troubles!
When I found myself empty of inner strength and knowing, the Universe served me up just what I needed, always. The right book arrived, the perfect situation for me to see where I was lost, an old friend appeared or a new one. I was always supported, as I fearlessly walked, what I never knew was who walked with me!
“You do not walk alone. God’s Angels hover near and all about. His love surrounds you and of this be sure; That I will never leave you comfortless.”
This quote my brother shared with me, carried me along. If I remember correctly the quote is from the Course of Miracles.
“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” Albert Einstein
Whether you live your life secure in a pattern or out beyond the lines, miracles happen. Miracles are the way the Universe talks to us, can you hear and are you listening?
What is it saying?
I have heard it said that prayer is talking to the Universe and meditation is when we listen.