Lately the “Spiritual” teachers or “Self Help” teachers are really sticking in my mind. I keep wondering how in the world they could have taught me what experience did? Who am I? Can they know? Who has the blueprint? Do they have information from the Universe about me and where it is that I am going, what I am learning now and what path I have to take to get there? Isn’t the synchronicity and choreographing done on High and we are just being moved around? A thought comes in and we move. Who is thinking the thoughts? How can a teacher “give us new thoughts?” Can the teacher slip in between the Universe and add or take away thoughts? Excitement moves me or when I feel dis ease I may back away, I feel moved to move! It seems the planet is being hoodwinked by a bunch of people charging money to tell you how to BE different than what you are! I find that rather shocking to say the least. Today I was trying to create ‘Lady Accessories’ to bring up to Calumet for a Gallery. I woke up early and decided to make Journal Covers with the Lady and I M Perfect on each one. While I enjoyed the creative part, when I had to think about prices to ask for each, how to sell and to make a ‘profit’ stress arrived. When I focus on the money and not the message, is where I lost interest. And then my next thought was “what is your message!” Do I even have a message? What gets me excited about the “Lady” what is her message? My quilts for some time now, have been trying to get my attention, pulling on my shirttails, or heartstrings. It was not my intention to find a message in a quilt! Yet without trying to bring a message forth, one would arrive in the finished product. A surprise, a knowing that I did not know before about myself, really an unknowing making itself known. After a few of these I would try and watch for the hand of the Universe at play in my quilts, but soon would get caught up in the creation, and in He would slip in and add His touch. Quilting has been my way of escaping, a place where I could let go and let be. To be myself without a care in the world, let my worries and stresses fall away, and just play. Be myself doing what I love to do. I did not try and make a certain thing, I did not even have an idea, I would just monkey around with a new technique and maybe think about how I could express an emotion. I started making Ladies, they were just silhouettes, just bodies floating out of what I called the matrix, or confusion, floating on air, free and boundless! Ladies floating free of the box, leaving the rules behind! Then came the silhouettes of dresses, yarn hair, and yarn arms and legs, I could make them dance, and oh what movement and energy seemed to spring forth. The ladies came in different sizes and shapes, but one was remarkably similar to me. I loved my ladies. Layer by layer I uncovered me, as I played with quilts. Art Therapy is what the proper term is I suppose, but in playing and doing what I love, I discovered me. The lady was me, or I was the Lady! There I was just playing around, not trying to be myself and I was doing myself perfectly. There seems to be too much trying to be that which you already are, in fact the more you try the more fake you become, or so it seems to me. How can a dog try and be a dog? A tree try and be a tree? People are out there charging you money to come and hear about how to TRY and be a better you, a fearless you, a this or a that you! We need more classes on not trying! Maybe more on doing you! You do you. Don’t try, just do you. How about try and NOT do you. Show me how to NOT do me. I dare you to try. Give me just one simple example of how I cannot be me. Even when I didn’t know me, I was doing me. In fact it was to my horror I discovered I was doing me while I was asleep at the wheel, but I still was doing me. No one came in and took over control instead I was following them. Me in a cult following along mindlessly, that was me! I learned about my mind and how it can be controlled and how I look following along, how I act, what I do and what I don’t do! How can we experience a free mind, unless we first experienced one in prison? My lessons are personal and special just for me. I really don’t know your lessons or your way. For how can I, for I don’t even know my way. Like snowflakes we are all original works of Art created by the Universe! I really don't want another person in my work of Art, changing it up, making it better or putting themselves in me. I am an original piece, there is not another like me, or you! We are perfectly being ourselves, always. The Art of Being Me!