-feeling of anxiety: an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger.- frightening thought: an idea, thought, or other entity that causes feelings of fear- reverence: respect or awe for somebody or something.
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government
My brother and I had a discussion on whether he should have to do something that he fears or is the fear a way of telling him, not to continue.
There seems to be two kinds of fears, one where there is danger and the other that has you feeling as if danger is present.
I remember reading Fear is False Events Appearing Real.
How do you know if your body’s signaling a false event or a real threat? Is it possible that our bodies are protecting us falsely?
Are there fears that you should not attempt to conquer and are there fears that keep you feeling less empowered and they should be faced, and how can you discern what is what?
Feelings of terror seem to be fear and submission or being coerced to do something you don’t want to do.
That is interesting, being forced to do something you don’t want to do.
Isn’t that the nuts and bolts of being abused, especially sexually? Would it then make sense that our ‘terror’ button has been activated at a very young age?
Now even as a big adult, when we get into situations we can’t control, we feel the imbalance and fear arises, and our terror button goes into overdrive.
Due to the fact of undeniable trauma in early childhood we have an unreasonable relationship with fear and terror. We bring into each new experience the unfounded terror or maybe misplaced fear.
What is unfounded terror? What is misplaced fear?
Or maybe what is more real is that our perceptions have us believing we will lose our power and control.
It is very terrifying to be placed in a spot where you have no power.
What does that mean to be powerless? Does that mean controlling others and all situations? Is that possible?
What is the difference between surrender and submission?
Submission; The act of submitting to the power of another.
Surrender; To give up in favor of another. 3. To give up or give back (something that has been granted): surrender a contractual right. 4. To give up or abandon: surrender all hope. 5. To give over or resign (oneself) to something, as to an emotion: surrendered himself to grief.
It seems that submission is giving your power to another.
Surrender is to give up in favor of another, to surrender all hope stands out to me. What comes to mind is Martha Beck’s quote, “Forgiveness is accepting that the past will not change.”
I surrendered to the past, I did not become submissive and a let the past have power over me.
There seems to be a fear and terror that rules my brother, that stands in front of realities that appear harmless, yet to him feel harmful.
How can you correct or right yourself if you have terror of ‘normal’ things and then not fear what most do?
Is it possible to be a victim with power?
That seems like an oxymoron.
Either you have power or you become victim to situations that you fear.
What came to mind is how women become prostitutes. It seems that we will control ourselves to be controlled.
Does that make sense to anyone but me?
It is like talking yourself into be powerless and being ok or powerful in the mode of powerless.
Do you all recall seeing the faces of the women in the Religious Cult, and how they stated, “we are free to leave, but we choose not to.”
Who but themselves believe that?
I recall feeling so shaky and inept to take the wheel of my mind, to be the only one standing there making choices. No one or nothing stood between my reality and me.
I had no rulebooks, and all past feelings were based upon a past that wasn’t grounded in normal, so I couldn’t even trust them!
What was bad in the past was now good and what was good was now bad!
Picture the ladies of the religious cult coming out in the world of so called sin and devil making. How they feel ‘normal’ and even of purer status to be behind gates and subjected to being controlled.
Isn’t it a tragedy that we fear the fearless and can eat Sunday dinners with a pedophile and be able to swallow.
Our fear and terror button has a totally faulty sensor.
I don’t know how my brother can flip his switch to off in places that are not harmful and then readjust the switch for places that are.
How overwhelming it is to be so wrong in such a right situation.
Yet we were trained that way. Imagine being trained backwards. Just as the ladies in the cult believe that they are doing ‘god’s will’ when in fact they are playing with the devil himself.
The devil has his hands on the fear switch and is pushing it in places that he will lose control.
How could the Serial Pedophiles of the Cult Religions have control, if the gates were open wide, if the ladies could talk and share with other normal people of the world, or if the world could come in and see what is hidden behind the gates?
Are the gates to keep the ladies/girls in or the world out?
It was spoken often and suggested firmly that we curtail all relationships with folks outside of our religion.
The devil was anyone outside of the religion. Put the Fear Of God in us. And isn’t that true?
We feared God, but were faithful to the devil himself.
Astounding to me even now.
All I can say to my brother is to continue to walk into ‘devil realities’ and look again with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, to experience life and readjust your fear switch.
It is broken and shattered and has been that way since you were four.
You be the one to reset it, you can now freely say what it is you fear, for the devil is controlling it now.
This is what happens when someone you love, trust and have faith in molests you, rapes you, and makes you be submissive to acts that are deviant. You make real fear fearless and then take the fearless and make it fear.
When an ‘uncle’ sexually abuses you, you are set backwards in fear from hence forth.
You feel in control in uncontrollable places, having control in being a victim.
And fear more the power of being free.
Like the rats in the shock box, like the ladies behind the gates of the devil’s religion, more at home in places where real fear lives.
“You are more afraid of your brightness, than your darkness,” says Marianne Williamson.
It is like we were raised with the Devil and thought it was God, and we now have to totally flip every last thing around.
Our journey to heaven turns out to be one to hell.
It is like being kicked out of the compound and you now have to learn to live alone.
What is fear and what is love, what is normal and what is not normal, what is functional and what is not functional.
Little did we know that all our switches are not functioning?
That is what it means to be dysfunctional.
In order to become functional we will rewire our switch by walking fearlessly into normal situations, to have fear but go in anyway, to take back the control of our selves.