What a great realization that their mess is their mess, their enlightenment is their enlightenment, their life is theirs, to put into prospective what is rightfully my own.
Imagine living with a bunch of lives within you, to be so connected that their poor choice feels like your poor choice!
Last night I read again from The Presence Process and the following paragraphs caught my attention.
“We can discover the identity of the negative emotion beneath the charge that we are carrying by stopping habits and/or addictions. The emotions that consequently erupt will reveal the nature and the intensity of the negative emotional charge that unconsciously drives our self-medicating behavior. All addictions are self-medication, and all are passed on through vibrational, emotional, mental and physical imprinting. Effectively decreasing our negative emotional charge is the only causative treatment for addiction that has any real and lasting effect. The outer physical self-medicating habit is an effect of an inner emotional condition, so quitting our self-medicating behaviors without releasing the attached charge accomplishes nothing real. It is ineffectual. All that will occur is that our self-medication will be transferred from one behavior pattern to another.
The extent of the negative emotional charge is what separates a person who is “in charge” of his or her life from a person who is “carrying a charge” through his or her life. When a person enters our sphere of awareness, it is not immediately apparent whether they are in charge or carrying a charge. However, observing their behaviors over a period of time will tell all. Everyone who is carrying a substantial negative emotional charge will exhibit physical, mental and emotional drama sooner or later. It will manifest automatically in their outer life experiences. They will also have to lace their life with self-medication behaviors; they will have to establish their means of sedation and control through habits and addictions. Society’s acceptance of alcohol and cigarettes enables us to self-medicate openly without feeling awkward about our inability to integrate our uncomfortable inner emotional condition.”
Michael Brown
I way love how we either are In Charge or Carrying a Charge.
It is my experience that I felt that it was me that ignited the charge, that I was able to send fireworks flying upon a word or deed I did.
Instead it is my understanding that we walk around fully loaded, or fully in charge.
It is amazing that self-medications are to keep the charge from exploding and going off, and what we need most is to get to the bottom of the charge.
To explore the stockpile of explosives we are carrying around, to see what unexpressed or unfelt emotions are riding shotgun in our lives.
This is so freeing to me that the explosive charge is not mine to explore in others, the only place I can have lasting peace is to express and feel all that I stored within me.
I love how the more in charge you are, the less of a charge you carry.
You know how it is when you feel that someone has buttons to push everywhere, that it seems you are in front of a live wire, or an explosive device but are not sure what will send it flying, now I know that it isn’t so much what I say, but what kind of inner charge they are ignoring.
He gave examples of this inner fire.
“In the heat of the moment.”
“Hot under the collar”
“Going to blow my top”
“Letting off steam”
“Losing my cool”
“I’m in hot water now.”
Isn’t it amazing how we say such wise things, but really don’t understand the totality of what we are saying!
To be in charge, to face our lives without the past voltage of negative energies is a huge accomplishment, and I feel it takes going into the fire of past hurts, pains and discomforts to take the charge out of them.
To express our feelings which we were unable to do back then, we get to go back and drag them up, and be with them awhile, to finally lay them to rest.
Until all that is left is an empty bullet shell, an incident we fully expressed.
If we don’t, we are like hidden land mines and others pay the price, our shrapnel flies everywhere injuring everyone in its wake, when they happen to say or do the wrong thing that sets us off.
This gives me such comfort to know I am not in charge of your charge; I am only in charge of me!