“If you give up hope, you will likely find your life is infinitely richer. Here’s why: When you live in hope, it’s usually because you’re avoiding reality.” Gay Hendricks
I love this, for that is exactly right. If you sit in hope you miss reality.
He gave an example. “If you hope your partner will stop drinking, aren’t you really afraid he or she won’t? Aren’t you really afraid to take decisive action to change the situation? If you keep hoping the drinking will stop, you get to avoid the truly hard work of actually handling the situation effectively. Hope becomes a drug or soporific to get you through the pain a little longer. Like all drugs, it comes with side affects. One main side affect is that you become a little numb, a little less alive. Hoping a situation will change keeps you at a distant from your true feelings- sadness, anger, fear. Each of these feelings is best appreciated up close. Feel them deeply, and they will cease to bother you. Hope they’ll go away, and they’ll bother you all day.” Gay Hendricks
I just never sat and put my thoughts on what the application of hope did to my now-a-day world, how it actually puts a blanket over the top of reality, and allows you not to feel what it is you feel, and its purpose is to avoid reality. That is amazing.
Hope is a drug. That is astonishing and that there are hope addicts out there living in non-reality!
Isn’t that the purpose of most drugs, to remove your mind from the stresses of what is right in front of you, to not allow you to feel that which you are feeling, taking you out of your reality?
Hope is a drug, who would have thought.
What an insidiously common addiction.
Using the word Hope is like taking a drug to get us out of our present situation, what ever that may be, leaving you powerless,.
I am awestruck by the enormity of its usage, how common and in plain view this drug is used.
There is no way most people believe that the word hope is a bad thing, it is used and tossed about like it is pure and uplifting!
I guess the best state to be in is hopeless!