The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh
This word Insincere has rung a bell with me, its meaning is to be hypocritical, not genuine and not reflecting true feelings.
Reflecting true feelings is so not done, we are taught to deflect our true feelings with something more palatable for others to swallow, like our own genuine feelings are too harsh, bitter or strong for others to swallow.
A watered down version is expected and seen as kindness. Some how sparing another’s feelings are seen as a higher endeavor than speaking our truth.
Meanwhile, these feelings sit inside of us festering unexpressed.
Inside of our bodies where no one can see, feelings lay in their genuine expression.
Betrayal sits as betrayal, fear as fear, unloved as unloved, neglect as neglect, no magic happens inside, no dissolving of emotions as we make ourselves easier to be with.
But who does this make us?
Who are we?
Acting loved while feeling unloved are we not insincere? Trying to muster up feelings of trust while our whole body reverberates no trust? Who are we fooling does anyone win here?
The latest movement is into whole foods, and I am thinking that we need the same movement in relationships, to only give out our whole feelings!
No more watering them down and masking them with artificial ingredients. Let us let anger be anger, deceit be deceit, and let relationships fall that will not hold true feelings.
“Half a truth is often a great lie.” Benjamin Franklin