I heard something today that I know I have never considered, that when you feel whatever it is you are feeling, that is you. The You is comprised of feelings and so often we try and run from them, but then we are actually running from our self!
Geneen Roth and Oprah were discussing her book, "Woman, Food, and God" and about feeling discomfort of any kind and how we usually eat when we feel uncomfortable.
I see this like we are getting to know our bodies to be able to read what they are telling us, and if you look around your surroundings, you can usually find out what is the cause of those feelings.
In my case, the fear was justified from my father, fear didn't arise for no reason, my body was trying to tell me something, and I ignored the sensations within my body.
In her book, Geneen is trying to reconnect us back with our bodies and in doing so she will reconnect you with your truth.
It is an amazing journey to look at what you are doing instead of feeling that which you don't want to feel.
I simply love that what I feel is me. And I love that I can now voice what I feel and act upon those feelings. I no longer have to pretend that I don't feel what I feel, in fact I won't pretend to pretend to pretend any more!
I am now learning when to stop eating or when to eat. I am getting to learn the signals of fullness from my belly.
What an exciting thing to learn about you by looking at your body. She is the one too that says "Your beliefs are how your body looks." Deepak Chopra says that the mind is manifested in your body.
The more conscious I am, the more aware of my body, the less influence the crazy mind has on what it does.
Just as I learned how to navigate out of dysfunctional relationships, I am hopeful that I can learn what kinds of foods my body really wants. I will have to listen and pay attention to what it feels.
Learning every day about this magnificent living organism, the human body. Which goes back to the saying "We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience."
I am becoming more aware of both and learning what they both need, to have the best human experience of being me!
Thanks Geneen and Oprah.