Learning how to navigate life by using the inner signs, sensations, feelings, is like driver's training for being in a body.
Body training is something we all need to learn in order to live freely, instead of attached to another. You can tell how free you are by upsetting others. If you always comply, you are not free but instead floating along attached to the other body.
Co-dependent bodies are hard to manage and get tangled up lots, and it gets so that you don't know if it is your feeling or theirs, you life or theirs, you lose your self within their desires.
I found myself without a self, for I had no idea who I was or what I liked, I had no opinion without somebody's first.
Imagine that? My body was led around by another's good opinion of me.
How scary and free it is to learn this, and how shocking to begin making moves that upset other bodies, while being a new me, but what glorious freedom!
The freedom to follow a feeling with an action, or speak up instead of suffer silently, to be truthful to myself and be willing to disappoint another, is being alive within my body.
It is so thrilling and frightening at the same time, to witness the detachment of yourself from another's approval.
I love that I have control of my legs. I can walk with you or away from you.
I love that I have hands, to either push you away or bring you close.
I love that I have a voice to speak my truth.
Learning to pilot your own body is living solo!