I am way confused about the applications of religion, the way religion believes that you can hand over your burdens to God, that Jesus will carry the things you don’t want to deal with, that he is a dumping off place.
How can you literally hand the “bad stuff” over?
Like what do you do actually?
How do you take experiences and actions and bundle them up and hand them over?
How do you remove them from your past?
Isn’t it odd that this ‘forgiving and forgetting’ technique is only used for things that are troubling about other people; you never remove the ‘good things’ only the bad things you don’t want to deal with.
It reminds me a huge delete button.
When a person’s action hurts or makes you feel bad, and you don’t really want to address it, you can hit this button.
When an incident happens that changes the original picture of someone, you can just hit the “I forgive you button” and like magic they continue to be ‘good’.
This button will allow the other person not to have the hassle of changing, or making corrections; you are just agreeing to not see them.
Agreeing to not see them does not make them disappear. You are just two people pretending something is no longer there.
It is like living in a world where hurtful things happen, but you are denying they are there, you are determined not to see/hear and feel them.
I am amazed and blown back that many actually believe this works.
This delete button is in your head; it really doesn’t work in reality.
You simply can’t walk along and hit this button when people’s behavior is unkind.
You can’t create a new version of someone by overlooking his or her behaviors/actions! It simply doesn’t work in reality. In reality the person continues on doing that which he does and you are just overlooking it.
How supposedly intelligent individuals cannot see this NOT working puzzles me.
The only delete button is actions.
They have to act different.
They have to walk a new walk to change their behavior.
You simply can’t forgive and forget enough times to make the other person change.
My mother tried this repeatedly and my father continued to abuse little girls. Her forgiving and forgetting allowed him to not have to change.
Oh MY God you simply can’t stuff this stuff into a belief in your head and make the world a better place! You have to deal in the real.
What is so insane to me is I am seen as the one with the issues for I have no delete button anymore! I am the problem, because I will not forgive and forget.
My delete button is broken.
I am out of my mind and into reality.
Reality has no delete buttons!