Would you know a pedophile, would you be able to spot one, can you tell his moves, when he is engaged in the dance?
It seems to me that we all as a world are expecting to see him ‘in the act’ that if you are ever watchful you will see the monster appear.
What we all fail to realize is that it is crucial to their existence that we see them as harmless.
What child would go with a monster?
What child would trust a monster?
What child would play the games if they were not made to be felt safe, secure and loved?
My sister is being vigilant while her first grandchild is in the presence of my father.
Vigilant for what?
Do you expect to see his penis or his hands making a move towards your grandbaby?
Oh honey, it will not be easy to catch, he is a master manipulator, for he is on his third generation.
You think you can outmaneuver this man?
What are you watching for?
Do you know his lure, his dance, the way he makes his latest victims feel special, that his attention will be very friendly, jovial, and playful while he sees the ultimate treat.
As you watch are you watching for friendship?
Are you watching for kindness and playful attention?
Or are you instead waiting for a monster to arrive at your dinner table?
He will not show you the monster, which is special and only for little girls.
You will only and always see kindness and playful attention as he lures your granddaughter into a relationship with him.
YOU say you know who he is, than why in the world would you allow your granddaughter with him, why?
You say you will be vigilant, honey, you have no idea what to watch for.
While you are forever looking for the monster, a master manipulator posing as an old grandpa is in your presence, it is from that role he will attack.
His dance continues due to your lack of knowing what to watch for. He is free to play his games while you all look on. You will only see a grandpa, but your little girl will see the monster.
Trust me on this.
Instead of watching for unwanted advances, see instead his thrill each time he sees her, see him totally engaged in playful entertainment, see him gaining her trust, her love and her respect.
Will you warn her of his past deeds?
Will you tell her what he does to little girls?
What age will you tell her, will she understand?
Will you tell her of this ‘after’ she has a playful relationship with a man and now you have to ‘convince’ her he is sick and hurts little girls?
What is your plan of action?
Our mother, to my knowledge, did not at any time warn us of him, of his disease of him being a man who molests.
I am wondering how you will do this, what is your strategy and how you will implement this and at what age. Hurry, for he loves LITTLE girls!
Most will not talk to little innocent girls about things such a penises or of touching of bottoms, so how are you going to warn her of his behaviors?
When and how?
Now you are allowing her to be charmed by a pedophile. Know it and own it.
She is not getting to know a grandpa, but instead she is the latest victim and four adults, who claim to love and protect her, are watching her be groomed.
You are all watching as she forms a relationship with a known sexual predator. Know it and own it.
Oh my God, my frustrations are endless!
Why oh why does another little girl have to be with him, why????
Why do you silently vigilantly watch?
Why? Just know you are an accomplice to the act.