Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
Here is a bit more from the chapter on applying this agreement.
“Humans are powerful creators. We are born with all the faith of the Universe, and everything we create is based on faith. That faith is really our personal power, but what has happened with our faith? We invest all our faith in our beliefs and agreements, and we are left with little power to change our lives.
Imagine that every agreement is just like a brick. Humans create an entire structure out of bricks, and we glue it together with our faith. We believe without a doubt in all the knowledge inside the structure. Our faith gets trapped inside that structure because we put our faith in each agreement. It’s not important if it is or isn’t true; we believe it, and for us it is true.
All of our power of creation is invested in our belief, and because we believe it, that’s the way it is. If we believe our knowledge, whatever we perceive will be filtered to make it fit into that knowledge. We create a personal dream that justifies the knowledge, and the outside dream proves to us that what we believe is true. The outside dream reflects our personal dream; it will justify every belief.
During all the education we receive, which means all the knowledge that is programmed in our mind, we create the concept of the I am. Everything we believe we are, everything we know about how to be a human is the I am. The Toltec call this the human form. We are not talking about the physical body, but about our own dream. When we say, “I am a man; I am a woman; I am a human, and this is my whole reality,” everything is judged by that knowledge, and of course, the dream becomes hell. That is the drama of humanity.
The dream of our life is so limited because we take all of the power of our creation and put it in a little box and with all of our power we seal the box. And we live inside the box, trapped inside that little box. Well that little box is human form. It is our creation, and all our will is invested in that I am.
Your faith is so strong that when you believe “I am never going to be this,” thy will be done, you are never going to be that. If you believe “I cannot do it,” thy will be done, you cannot do it. Whatever you believe, you put your faith in that belief, and your faith will make it true.
Don Miguel Ruiz
What I found so intriguing in this book and so affirming is, that it isn’t so much your knowledge about life and about life’s situations, but your ‘belief’ about each thing. And your belief becomes your will.
Inside each of us is the power of universe and we all use it to put our faith into certain knowledge, and that is what I life reflects, perfectly. There are no mistakes; you are what you believe your self to be.
Looking upon my last five years, it has been a battle of wills inside of me to correct my long held beliefs about myself, and make them match realities truth.
Even if intellectually I knew better, I had to wrestle with my beliefs about myself; the long established ones that were false and limiting.
Yoga has given me the inner fortitude to break down old agreements that are not true for me and to re-create new ones that bring me happiness, peace and joy in being me.
Bring faith back to me, instead into knowledge that was given to me.
Faith in myself in what I feel, and what is true for me.