As I caught sight of me in my rearview mirror I chuckled, I had left home quickly for I was in the middle of making soup and found I was one ingredient short, it was too late to stop the soup, so away I went.
I just tossed on a jacket and boots, hoping it would hide all ills (pajamas). It did, except my hair.
Sticking out on one side.
It was then I remembered I hadn’t showered yet, well really done a thing, except put on a jacket and boots.
Well, I wasn’t turning back, I just walked in the store hoping no one would notice, I carried myself like I was totally put together, while appearing not!
I know I was a sight, for my husband who truly doesn’t care what he appears like noticed, you went to town like that?!”
Yep, I did. “Like that?” he asks again… Yes, I say again, he walks away shaking his head in utter disbelief.
And on the way back many drivers were flashing their brights at me, and it wasn’t until I was almost home in the almost dark that I noticed I had no lights on.
I had thought to myself, boy these people are all seeing if their brights are on…mmm, what a coincidence so many tonight are testing them out.
Yes there I was dressed as I was, with no lights on, None.
Talk about a crazy lady, driving in semi darkness with no lights and not even dressed to be outside.
The total image that I projected on that quick ride into town is scary and hilarious at the same time.
Thank god no accident happened, for I would have been committed.
I can hear them now, “Porch lights on, but nobody’s home!”
And in this case No lights on and nobody’s home…