“I respectfully do not care!” is a new quote I heard from Martha Beck as she spoke today on the Lisa Oz radio show.
People have told her (Martha) that in order to promote and sell books and to keep her selling herself she needs to be on facebook, twitter and the like, but doing so has made her sick, physically sick with shingles.
She found that she can talk with her daughter, and if her daughter feels her mom says something profound, her daughter will post it online.
Martha has total trust in her body and she was getting physically sick doing what others wanted her to do, but what wasn’t natural or feeling right for her.
When she says, “I respectfully do not care,” it means I respect what you are saying, it’s not for me.
I love that.
She is following and listening to her body.
This may be my second favorite quote from her and it validates that you heard the request, but don’t care.
Don’t care if all are doing this, me and my body are not okay with it,
“I respectfully do not care” almost sounds like what I tell my children. I respectfully do not care if all the kids are doing it you are not. (when the other kids parents didn’t care and we had different rules.)
This phrase actually gives you the freedom to be an individual, to follow the signals of your body, to listen to the inner knowing, to care more about yourself than others.
Selfishly I respectfully do not care!