In my old religion, those who left the church or perhaps those who never entered were called Unbelievers.
These Unbelievers didn’t believe like we did, and in doing so didn’t move about the planet like us. They were ‘allowed’ to do things that good Believers were not allowed to do.
Unbelievers were easy to spot, they had pierced ears, painted fingernails, colored hair, they were allowed to do things with their bodies we were not allowed to do.
Unbelievers also had a say in how many children they would have, or if they wanted any. They had freedoms in their lives we didn’t have.
You could almost see the Believers being stuck and the Unbelievers being free.
It all began and ended with my mind.
When I believed my mind, its thoughts and its beliefs, I gave up my body and my free will. When I didn’t believe, when I became an Unbeliever, I had my freedom back.
It resembles an addiction in how it takes over your life.
My mind became addicted to limiting thoughts.
What is so extremely debilitating is how we are afraid to not believe those thoughts, for those thoughts were taught to us from a very young age.
The thoughts and beliefs become who we are, and to let them go seems to be killing yourself.
Being held prisoner in your own life by thoughts is being the jailer and the jailed.
You have to become an Unbeliever to be set free.
We were taught; Unbelievers go to Hell, so who wants to be free only to spend eternity in Hell.
Isn’t there a saying “What is bound on Earth is bound in Heaven”?
Being bound on earth is how I lived for the first 46 years of my life, being a good Believer of a very mind controlling religion.
Becoming unbound has been a long process and one that has brought me much peace, love and joy…
Unbelieving is unraveling the ties that bind.
Unbelievers live free.