I am perplexed about the unnatural reaction to being told of a pedophile in your midst…and the lack of natural responses or reflexes.
I just wonder if the same message was given, but I said it was in the local school, what then would be the response?
Would they immediately defend the school? Or would they ask and want to know who this individual was?
It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact, that not one person was curious as to which congregation housed the sexual predators and where did he/she live? Not one. Silence. Well, not really silence, but defense of an institution.
Is this because they already know where they are?
Or do they not want to know the truth?
I can’t figure this one out.
It feels like those of us who are alerting congregants of this behavior are pegged as the ones tearing down the stairway to heaven. That if you believe us, you will not make the climb heavenward.
So you stick to the end game, keep your eyes on the goal of heaven and disregard messages that could pop holes in your faith.
It seems you have great faith in a vehicle that will get you to heaven, while I am telling you there is not enough gas, the tires are bald and there is a klunk in the engine…and it isn’t looking well for you…it is starting to look like a gamble and not the sure shot you were told to believe in.
I did not wreck the car, but noticed the damage. I did not design this car or make you the promise that it had magic powers to erase all sins. This is not something I neither created nor is it mine to fix. I am just reporting
But I am telling you how it stalled and died on me.
How the magic button didn’t erase the pedophilia from my father…he kept going and going and going.
How the eraser didn’t erase his sickness at all.
I am telling you that there are other sick people that your forgiveness of sins will not correct or halt or stop in anyway.
They sit and sing with you…and you never even asked who.
The infection is spreading while you use words to eradicate behavior that years and years of therapy and the desire to do so can only stop.
Truly, do you really believe that a few words spoken to a man who has a sexual disease, that those words, will cure him?
It is in the cells and in the DNA, it will take efforts of Herculean strength to face and deal and heal.
What I can sense and I am sure he/she can sense is that this religion is not even interested or caring who is within the confines of its membership.
If the lack of questions is any indicator, there is nothing there that shows him/her there are boundaries and standards within the mission statement.
All are welcome here.
Well, not all...those who speak the truth are voted off.