My brother wrote a post on his blog, called, Rumor Has It.
I looked up the definition of Rumor and it said, “Unverified report.”
I wonder how much of each of our lives gets by us unverified?
What we mostly don’t verify is where we came from, is this normal, and is it true.
We rarely verify our beliefs or our definitions of love or abuse, or the validity of the rules of our religion.
We don’t verify them, but we don’t call them rumors.
We don’t verify them, but we believe them to be our truths.
We don’t say, “it is a rumor that wearing red nail polish will keep me from heaven.” Without verifying this report, we believe it and call it truth.
Or, “It is a rumor that if I take control of my body and decide how many kids I have, I will go to hell.” How can you possibly verify that? Yet it is believed as true.
And we don’t say, “It is a rumor that no sin is too great to forgive or that all sin is of equal value.” Has this been verified? Can a cuss word and a man raping a child be the same worth? Is that what we believe to be true?
Doesn’t it make you wonder what we call rumors and what we call truth.
What is verified and what is Unverified.
Somehow the FALC has this all upside down and backwards.
If what they believe in is unverified, than is it possible that what they don’t believe in is verifiable.
Is it possible that when they hear a ‘rumor’ about so and so being a pedophile, or being creepy, they are actually spreading the truth and believing it?
Do they even know what is truth and what is fiction?
This is how I found myself when who I had called dad was actually a pedophile. The people that I loved actually abused me and didn’t love me. I was completely upside down and backwards in most of my definitions and what I believed in.
The churches ideology actually fit perfect into my backwards home life, it matched perfectly.
My rumors were my truths and my truths were rumors.
It is horrifying and shocking what folks in the FALC are believing in and what they are spreading as rumors. I am here to tell you it is completely backwards.
The rumors floating around in victim circles are facts and verifiable by the results of their lives. By the trails and trials of their journeys.
The suicides and attempts, depression and addictions, the mental disorders, and casual sex, the married girls using their bodies like puppy mills, generations of pedophiles, etc…are all signposts and can be verified by their lives. These are not rumors.
And these are not accidents or freaks of nature; they are actually perfect results of living in a home of abuse and believing in the way of the FALC. It is a one two punch and the results are again, verifiable by the lives they live in reality.
The victims lives are not rumors…and what you call ‘rumors’ about their perpetrators are verifiable…so they cannot be called rumor, for rumor is an unverified report.
The wounded children are the verification as they live their lives upside down and backwards, out of control and believing they are certifiably nuts, crazy and insane.
What they fail to appreciate is that they are perfect and the world they came from is insane. And it is only when they continue to try and make the insane sane is when they go nuts.
Where they come from is so insane, that they believe and die for rumors and disregard the truth as it walks talks and breathes in front of them.
It is my humble opinion from my experience of coming out of the FALC and being raised in a family where the head of the house was a pedophile, where the mother supported him and her religion without question or verification to the contrary, that both are steeped in rumors and where truth is kicked to the curb.
I should know, I am sitting on the curb for demanding and investigating and Verifying rumors…rumors within my family of origin and the religion I was born into.
For forty-six years I lived an unverified life. I believed what I was told to believe and disregarded the rest…now, I sit with rumors and look around reality to see what I can verify.