David Hawkins writes in his book, "Discovery of the Presence of God"...in a discussion about truth or falsehood and Kinesiology...and who is capable of doing the test etc.
Calibration of Specific Levels
"The critical point between positive and negative, between true and false, or between that which constructive or destructive, is the calibrated level of 200. Anything above 200, or true, makes the subject go strong; anything below 200, or false allows the arm to go weak."
"Anything past or present, including images or statements, historical events, or personages, can be tested. They need not be verbalized."
"The Kinesiological test cannot be used to foretell the future; otherwise, there are no limits as to what can be asked. Consciousness has no limits on time or space; however, permission may be denied. All current or historical events are available for questioning. The answers are impersonal and do not depend on the belief system of either the tester or the test subject. For example, protoplasm recoils to noxious stimuli and flesh bleeds. Those are the qualities of these test materials and are impersonal. Consciousness actually knows only truth because only truth has actual existence. It does not respond to falsehood because falsehood does not have existence in Reality. It will also not respond accurately to nonintegrous or egotistic questions, such as should one buy a certain stock."
"Accurately speaking, the kinesiological response is either an "On" response or it is merely "NOT ON". Like the electrical switch, we say the electricity is "ON" and when we use the term "OFF," we just mean that it is not there. In reality, there is no such thing as "Off-ness." This is a subtle statement but crucial to the understanding of consciousness."
"Consciousness is capable of recognizing only Truth. It merely falls to respond to falsehood. Similarly, a mirror reflects an image only if there is an object to reflect. If no object is present to the mirror, there is no reflected image."
Here is another section that I found extremely interesting....
"Below consciousness level 200, comprehension is limited by the dominance of Lower Mind, which is capable of recognizing facts but not yet able to grasp what is meant by the term 'truth' (it confuses res interna with res externa) and that truth has physiological accompaniments which are different from falsehood. Additionally, truth is intuited as evidence by the use of voice analysis, the study of body language, papillary-responses EEG changes in the brain, fluctuations in breathing, blood pressure, galvanic skin responses, dowsing, and even Huna technique of measuring distance that the aura radiates from the body. Some people have a very simple technique that utilizes the standing body like a pendulum (fall forward with truth and backward with falsehood)."
"From a more advanced contextualization, the principles that prevail are that Truth cannot be disproved by falsehood any more than light can be disproved by darkness. The nonlinear is not subject to limitations of the linear. Truth is of a different paradigm from logic and thus is not 'provable', as that which is provable calibrates only in the 400's. Consciousness research kinesiology operates at level 600, which is at the interface of the linear and the nonlinear dimensions." David Hawkins
While these words may be hard to follow and even discern what he has found to be true, we are all walking around with these great kinesiology meters.
And here is the deal, if you can't discern truth from falsehood, your awareness or consciousness level isn't high enough to do so....you are not able to see what is truth and what is fiction.
While I have been writing about the differences between what is abuse and then a response that is conducive to healing, what I failed to consider is the facts that a person whose level of consciousness is below 200 isn't even able to see the difference between truth and falsehood, he can see facts, but can't interpret what the facts mean.
If you sit with this you will understand the space where offenders live...which is they are capable of recognizing facts but not yet able to grasp what is meant by the term 'truth'.
It has led to much frustration on my part, that there are folks who are not yet able to grasp what is meant by the term truth.
It is in this darkness that abuse is perpetrated...and they don't even know it. What good are facts if you can't tell if they are true or not?
This is the crux of all abusive families. They don't know what facts are real and what facts arefiction....
How can you live life if you can't tell which facts are true or not?
This explains beautifully and tragically the perils of abusive families. It makes total sense...living in a world where you can't tell which facts are real or not, you believe in the wrong thing.
Not only believe, but trust, love and obey....things that are not even real or have a seed of truth. I lived in that space for 46 years going against my own kinesiology meter....until I realized that it, my body, knew the truth. It responded by pushing me back from my 'father'.
Once I saw that truth...that one grain of truth, I continued to ask my body and listen. I used my body, the truth meter, to then sort through the facts and keep only the ones that were true.
Who knew that the greatest tool that abuse has is that folks are not able to grasp the meaning of the term TRUTH.
What I didn't know, is that the truth is not a word or a fact, It is the feelings behind the words....We keep getting hung up on using better words to explain, when in fact some people don't know what the truth feels like.