This is my third reading of the book, "Power vs Force" by David Hawkins. And this time I am understanding the broader picture of the levels of energy/consciousness we all are traveling in.
He rates the levels from 20 to 1,000.
"Energy Level 30: Guilt"
"Guilt, so commonly used in our society to manipulate and punish, manifests itself in a variety of expressions, such as remorse, self-recrimination, and the whole gamut of symptoms of victim-hood. Unconscious Guilt results in psychosomatic disease, accident-proneness, and suicidal behaviors. Many people who struggle with Guilt their entire lives, while other desperately attempt escape by amorally denying it altogether."
"Guilt domination results in a preoccupation with "sin," an unforgiving emotional attitude frequently exploited by religious demagogues, who use it for coercion and control. Such "sin-and-salvation" merchants, obsessed with punishment, are likely either acting out their own guilt, or projecting it on to others."
"Subcultures displaying the aberration of self-flagellation often manifest other regional forms of cruelty, such as the public, ritual killing of animals. Guilt provokes rage, and killing frequently is its expression. Capital punishment is an example of how killing gratifies a Guilt-ridden populace. Our unforgiving American society, for instance, scorns its victims in the press and metes out punishments that have never been demonstrated to have any deterrent or corrective value." David Hawkins.
What is so shocking is the "Sin-Salvation" equation is the impetus for the FALC. It is at the level of 30. Jesus is at 1,000. Wow.
Energy Level 100 is Fear.
"At the Level of 100, a lot more life energy is available - Fear of danger is healthy. Fear runs much of the world, spurring on endless activity. Fear of old enemies, of old age, or death, of rejection, and a multitude of social fears are basic motivators in most people's lives."
"From the viewpoint of this level, the world looks hazardous, full of traps and threats. Fear is the favored official tool for control by oppressive totalitarian agencies, and insecurity is the stock-in-trade of manipulators of the marketplace..." David
Fear is the favored official tool FOR CONTROL. It seems such backwards way of living to me. However, I used to live by these standards...
Rising from Fear is, Desire 125, then Anger at Pride at 175.
"In contrast to the lower energy fields, people feel positive as they reach this level. This rise in self-esteem is a balm to all the pain experienced at lower levels of consciousness. Pride looks good and knows it; it struts its stuff in the parade of life."
"Pride is far enough removed from Shame (20) Guilt, or Fear that to rise, for instance, out of the despair of the ghetto to the self respect of being a Marine is an enormous jump."
"Pride generally has a good reputation and is socially encouraged, yet as we see from the levels of consciousness, it's sufficiently negative to remain below the critical level of 200. This is why Pride feels good only in contrast to the lower levels."
"The problem, as we all know, is that "Pride goeth before a fall." Pride is defensive and vulnerable because it's dependent upon external conditions, without which it can suddenly revert to a lower level. The inflated ego is vulnerable to attack. Pride remains weak because it can be knocked off its pedestal back to Shame, which is the threat that fires fear of Loss and Pride."
"Pride is divisive and gives rise to factionalism: the consequences are costly. Man has habitually died for Pride - armies still regularly slaughter each other for that aspect of it called nationalism. Religious wars, political terrorism and zealotry, the ghastly history of the Middle East and Central Europe - these are all the price of Pride, which all of society pays."
"The downside of Pride is arrogance and denial. These characteristics block growth; in Pride, recovery from addictions is impossible because emotional problems or character defects are denied. The whole problem of denial is one of Pride. Thus Pride is a sizable block to the acquisition of real power, which displaces Pride with true stature and prestige." David
Imagine, that Pride is the last step before courage or truth. It is the last level in the lower levels, below 200. And denial holds you there.
The lower level operates on force, fear and denial....and in order to get to the upper level, you have to admit your character defects.
And in the FALC, to see your character defects, would mean dragging up your sins from the past...
Reading this for the third time, I am understanding it at a different level, and realizing the energies of people truly account for their behavior. You really can't expect them to act above their level.
And looking at life from above 200 looks completely different from beneath. One is based on fear of the truth an the other is based on loving the truth.
Isn't there a song that says...."I've looked at life from bothsides now..."
What an incredible journey up through the levels of consciousness and to see life completely transformed by awareness.