When you use a vehicle for work, it does have certain requirements to make the job easier to navigate and getting into the grove with a new car takes time. I use the word "new" very loosely.
My "new" car and I had a bumpy start.
I had to first decide where I was going to sit, in the middle or all the way over in the passenger seat. I tried both. Neither had the comfortable feel of the Jeep I had gotten used to.
So, I started out all the way over and the seat pushed up so far that my knees were touching the glove box. It didn't feel too bad, but I thought perhaps I could make a few adjustments to make it easier to get a routine going.
Everything just seemed off enough, that I was then off.
I then re-adjusted every thing and sat in the middle. There, it seemed my gas foot was too cramped up...the rear view mirror on my forehead, and the mail tray falling head first off the seat. ( I usually had a lunch box (cooler) that would keep it from slipping off head first.) Since I had the jeep, no need for that cooler, so I now had a nice lady type lunch bag....which is useless for holding up a mail tray.
So, back to re-adjusting...back where I started.
We all forget the latest gagets that have allowed us all to operate a vehicle with ease and the cars are set to assume what our needs are.
Like cup holders for our drinks. When lunch came around, there was no place to put my drink. There is a spot on the glovebox door, which you have to keep open, but not like a hole it can go in. One sharp corner and the pop can would slide off....so, I had to use my legs. And at first I didn't sit with my knees together, lady like...for I am used to sitting more manly. Ugh. It is the small things, that make our lives smooth.
Like having a button to pop the trunk. Or power windows and mirror adjustments....to name a few. And I would reach for my right hand drive steering wheel in front of me...only to realize it is now on the left. It will take time and before long, I will be comfortable and not even notice where things are, they will be automatic.
I had to have duplicate keys made that would allow me not to have to shut the car off each time I needed a package or mail tray from the trunk....and I tried the keys out before heading up to Wal-mart. They worked wonderfully....I now felt like I had gotten a leg up on the car.
As I was leaving the stop light, I noticed that my trunk was open. Yep, I had driven a mile and a half with the trunk wide open...and I wasn't going to stop there, so I kept going. Chuckling to myself, drove into the parking lot of Wal-Mart...feeling totally like an old lady in an old lady car.
It is amazing to me how you can take on and personify the vehicle you drive.
No more mud bogging big four wheel drive confident strong woman...now I drive around trunk up, all confused inside the 1994 Cutlass Sierra.
AND, I had just been giving myself a 'self talk' that a car doesn't make the woman....only to be shown it certainly does.
My daughter is looking to purchase a newer car...and her shopping wasn't about engines etc...but sounded more like buying an accessory. Now I get it. What it looks like does make a difference in how you feel and I guess how you act while driving.
My self image is having trouble keeping up...who am I? I guess it depends on what I drive!
Guess, I will have to buy an even older car to get back my coolness. (This was at a car show in Hayward Wisconsin...)