"A responsible choice, is one you are willing to accept the consequence of that choice." Eckhart Tolle
This simple phrase when completely understood, will show how you are the creator of your own life, that karma unfolds, one choice at a time. That each choice we make comes with a very specific consequence. Not looking at the consequence is equal to making choices without thought...completely unaware or refusing to see the tag that is attached.
The Universe isn't delivering the consequences, you are creating them.
This is key. Your power is at the level of choice, not hollering at the consequence.
Hollering at the Universe for delivering the consequence YOU picked, is insanity.
When my world was completely upside down, I had to start making choices that were the opposite of what I had chosen, in order to right my world.
I had to look over what choices I had made that built the life I had. I then had to start making new choices.
These new choices were shocking to most of my relationships, but it turned my relationships completely around...it turned me around. I was heading down the same path as my mother.
I have heard, your life is either a warning or an example. My mother's life was a warning.
I had set the intention with my life, to not do as she did. To make different choices...unknowing what the outcome would be, just knowing I had to steer clear of her path.
It was remarkable how I was able to change my life, one choice at a time.
At the time, it felt weird, awkward and extremely uncomfortable to stand in the new choice. To not go to familiar places. To say things, I usually was silent about. To step out of the old choice and into a new one, had me living very inept in my own life.
My awareness and consciousness was extremely keen, I would make no choice without feeling the consequence.
In the past, I was a choice maker without regard to the consequence OR the future, I lived very short sighted, like just this moment. Very child like and irresponsible, not as a grown up at all.
In fact, most of my choices were to dodge someone being mad at me, or someones disappointment, or to steer clear of a sticky situation, or to not face the truth of not only who I was, but who they were as well.
My choices were based on skipping past the truth and hoping for a better tomorrow. Impossible to feel empowered...while making weak choices.
Weak meaning, the ones that made the least amount of waves.
The choices I now make concentrate on a few things; my intentions and what will the consequence be to me, my life and my tomorrow.
I weigh it out.
I had to make some extremely tough choices in order to exit out of dysfunction...there really were no easy ones. No easy button, that will swiftly take you into a healthy lifestyle.
It came with facing all I didn't want to see, feeling all I was too afraid to feel, and walking in directions I knew would piss people off.
And I am still doing it.
I am living my life based solely on the karma footprint to follow.
I can't care today if you are sad, that is your business, not mine. My business is to be a careful bookkeeper of my consequences.
I only make choices that I am willing to accept the consequence to come.
Being blind to the consequences, doesn't stop the consequences from being delivered.
My mother turned a blind eye, each time she refused to chose the child over her husband, and each time she did, she kept the gate open for the pedophile to abuse another girl...girls she was responsible for.
Her choice led to more consequences....she is equally responsible for the girls being abused, due to her choices.
I had to feel the weight of my choices...and how they affected my daughters. I was the one who had not followed my feelings, and I stayed in relationships that were strained, that didn't allow me to be freely expressive.
I forced myself to be with people my body feared and resented.
The consequences were that my father had access to my daughters.
I was shown all the places that I had made the choice to stay...and I now had to make the choice to leave...or be willing to accept the consequence.
The choices are actually easier to make once you focus on the cause and affect of life. Nothing happens without your consent. Nothing. You are approving your world with each choice you make or each new choice you fail to make.
There are no unwilling victims...just sometimes we have to give in to live or survive, but we agreed on some level.
Knowing this, gives you the power to change. Making the choice to not make a choice, is choosing to remain in the life you have. Once you can see the choices you are making and how they steer your world, you will be able to play with the steering wheel; seeing what happens if you choose differently.