Finding a new mail jeep isn't that easy...for there are not that many right hand drive used ones available. I found this one was in New Castle Pennsylvania...about 13 hours away.
I was dealing with Shady the salesman....and between the paperwork and his 'contact' for shipping it took almost three weeks for it to arrive in my driveway.
The first leg of its journey was on a trailer to Grayling Michigan, from there my son was in the drivers seat...making it to my home near midnight last night.
I didn't take it on the mail route today, for there was no Blinking Light (strobe) on the roof. My husband put one on tonight...not a permanent one, but one that will let me ride in style tomorrow.
I love my new mail jeep.
My son feels it could be "Lifted"....and with new black husband thinks chrome ones....I am happy to have four wheel drive...and a Right Hand Drive Drivers Seat!
It felt so good to be back in a Jeep! I don't believe I will be getting out any time soon. A Mail Lady needs a Mail Jeep!