A few days ago I talked about "Family No Matter What" and how this sentiment is what keeps families bound together; no matter what treatment goes on within the home. That it is seen as respectable and loving to uphold the family AND NOT LOOK at WHAT happened.
Keep your eyes focused on family, on sister, brother, Mom and Dad...
Don't look at who carries the title, but look only at the title and do your due dilegence to keep it holy. Do NoT disgrace the title with what happened. Instead, bless it away, forgive the sin, and wipe the label clean. It is your job as a loyal family member.
I became disloyal to the family. I did not wipe the abuse away.
My greatest crime against the Huhta's is my lack of being a good family member.
I am seen as a worst criminal than my father, for this.
This is the ultimate sin of all...for blood is thicker than water, and that family is family...you have no right to tear it apart.
Not my father, but me.
Why is my father not seen as the ultimate family wrecking machine? Or my mother for allowing this wrecking to go on?
How did I become the one to stand back from and to disassociate from?
How did I become the main problem for the family in this?
Oh yeah, my disloyalty to family. Really? Really? You want me to be loyal to Ray and to Doris for watching this train wreck happen again and again. You want me to be loyal to a religion and it preacher who knew and blessed it away, again and again. Really? I am the problem? How? By standing up and walking away from the wreckage a wreck myself and working for 7 years to get myself seeing straight and thinking clearly, after the twisted backwards course I was set upon. I, Beth Ann am your problem?
One brother said I took the easy way out...that I just up and left the family due to its members being so damaged.
Is there an easy way after abuse???
I am not sure there is.
What I want most of my family to know, is that no matter your choice, no matter if it matches mine or not, I know to the depth of my being, that each of you are choosing to do that which brings you the most peace inside.
Each choice you make is driven by your inner compass. Each decision you make and each effort to stay clear from me is what brings you the most comfort inside. You are all using your free will to live the life you want. It is not driven by the outside, but rather your inside.
My inside and your insides just do not match.
What brings you peace brings me disease.
What brings you comfort...is extremely uncomfortable for me.
Family means more to each of you...and your willingness to uphold it, is far from where my priorities lie.
My priorities have been and will always be to make choices in each moment that are about the consequences each will bring. I am consciously creating now, where in the past I was blindly making choices based upon another's feelings. Now, I totally get that each choice I make comes with a complete package of consequences.
It is my intentions to make choices that my children will be able to see were reflective of the truth and that I made the choices based upon what was right for me, not what the outside wanted or needed.
Going against family is actually harder than being abused.