I had wrote a post a long while back about being the bus driver instead of a passenger, and as I began doing yoga again to heal my legs...I know this to be true.
I was raised a passenger....one who served the bus driver. That in order for my life to change, I had to please the driver...hoping he/she would take me where I wanted to go.
As I experiences the subtle changes once again in my body after three days of doing Bikram yoga for an hour and a half, I know our quality of life is directly related to what we do in our days.
If you are sitting back waiting for someone to change in order to be happy, you will have a long scenic ride in their life, but not yours.
At times the weakest part of me, wishes for the quick fix, for being allowed to be lazy and have fixes magically happen...but mostly I love that I am in the drivers seat.
I go where I feel inspired and swerve around the places that feel unkind or untrustworthy...and make detours into fearful places that return my strength and sense of self.
Yoga has been a place where I connect with my body in a way that shows me I am the center of my life. My life is steered by me and me alone. My body and inner health is not being attacked from the outside, but rather from my thoughts and ideas inside.
I am so grateful to know the healing affects that yoga brings...and to feel stronger today for taking the time to move my body in ways that will allow it to heal and be strong.
When my mind fights this, the pain in my body wins.
Pain is a great motivator...so don't try and cover it up. Listen and you will know your path.