What is a healthy mother daughter relationship? What is my business and what is theirs? When does a healthy mother get involved and when does she stay away? What is balance or what causes imbalance? What is concern and what is meddling? When is it controlling and when is it being caring?
Coming from utter neglect, I am having troubles either over stepping or not stepping at all. I swing from either pole...but can't seem to find that delicate step on the sweet spot of middle.
Where it honors each of us, but isn't blind.
Where it is involved, but not overpowering.
Where love is expressed and concern is shown...and freedom lies.
And, is it my delivery or is it in the receiving?
Is it better to see and address things that you see are out of kilter or is it better to be silent in a forced peace?
Is it possible to be four different moms with four different kids, or am I the same mom with four different responses?
Am I just me and Me feels different depending upon where you are standing?
Or, do I change how I mother with each kid?
Or even more, do I change how I mother in different situations?
Is my history of neglect more transparent in certain situations and less in others?
Am I more acutely aware in places where I detect abuse, than in places where there is none?
Do I become an uncompromising mom when I detect toxic energy?
I am finding it hard to find reasonable...or hard to know when to push forward and when to back off?
My mothering slope is quite steep or very low.....and I swing from Caring Less to Over Caring.
Is there a spot called perfect caring?
A place where trust and faith and love live...
My mothering model goes from controlling and conditional, to caring less into a dark pit of who cares.
It always seems like I slide swiftly by reason and plunge directly into being left in the cold...or being completely responsible and controlling about things I have no control over.
It is like my tool box of mother is filled with extreme and limited responses...and what would come natural is very unnatural for me.
I have to will myself back to reason...while not knowing what reason is?
Like hunting for a certain place, yet not knowing what it is...and then camping there unknowning if it is the middle. It could be just a tad out of neglect....or it could be closer to the middle, I never seem to know.
My inner gauge has been tampered with.
Its readings are not quite right.
So, I mostly error in over compensation...which I am sure feels like smothering or being in their business.
And, what is the business of mother child?
How much is reasonable to share and what becomes intrusive?
How do you discern the lines of reason?
What is a mother's role as their children enter into adulthood?
When do you back away or do you?
I have witnessed the backing out, until there is no relationship, but a holiday one. Is that considered normal? Am I expecting and being unreasonable to want more?
What is so extremely hard is finding the healthy balance coming from such imbalance and not over stepping into another unhealthy spot of being overpowering.
It is like Neglect is on one pole and Control on the other....and I have to find the middle of the road.
To not control, but to allow....but not allow in a careless way.
To set up standards, but not have rules...or conditions, yet have them.
It seems like mothering is asking the impossible....to lead but not lead....to allow, but not allow. To know when to say when and when not to say when.
It is the damned if you do and your damned if you don't.
But, looking back at my own experience of being mothered. I feel that she failed me in not responding when she should have.
She didn't respond when abuse stepped in.
She acted like it was all okay.
Like I was not in danger, while I was.
Like I was okay when I was not.
So, I am trying to mother with the aid of reality. To, at the bare mininum, respond to what I see, hear and feel. To be aware of my children's lives WHEN they go off balance.
It is like we are all humming along, until one slips....and slides away. AND, then I become involved. But, am I too involved? Is it possible to be too caring as one is slipping off center?
I am sure, at some point, a mother has to let them go. To allow them to slip off center and then to climb back on...in their own time....or not at all.
I just find it so maddening to see, accept and have to surrender and to allow....one of my kids to be off center.
Is it unreasonable to want or expect children to be perfectly balanced in their lives...especially coming from whence they came. I am one of the factors that tipped them off the line of self balance.
So, how now, can I help them get back?
How do I actively help bring them back to their center and self empowerment?
What is my role?
Is it helpful to show where they are off....or is it more helpful to ignore it?
And, is it even possible for me to pretend to pretend that I don't see them off their game?
And, do I have to support their imbalance?
Am I not allowed to be a mother who wants above all else for my children to be balanced, strong, centered, empowered?
And yet, it is their lives, they are allowed to live anywhere upon the spectrum.
My goal as a mom or maybe as a woman, was to find my own center...maybe, okay not maybe, but I guess I don't have the right to tell them where their center is.
We may not match in the end.
They my find it being more comfortable to be off center. They may find love and happiness way off their center.
I tipped them....when I didn't allow them free will...in their early days. I set this pattern in motion.
Now, I get to live with watching the consequences of this manifest in their lives...in varying degrees.
It is being aware of your legacy being lived out....and sadly, even if I have changed my pattern, they may not decide or want to change theirs.
I raised them to be off center...when I was off center...so they would match me.
As a mother, I did damage.
As a mother, I changed.
Like one of my daughters said, "We have had two moms without going through a divorce." But, that leaves me in a strange land. Some will match my old self and some will match my new....when, how and If, it is all up to them.
Complicated to have two patterns in one family.