I had not realized that there is always a second part to our speaking out; and that is the space we bring it to. We need the person to be open enough in their beliefs to accept what we are saying.
"Narrow minded" is not just a saying, it is literally true. Some minds are not accepting of experiences and lifestyles beyond their own.
Often, we then are left feeling odd or abnormal, when actually our lives are just too colorful and filled with experiences that can't fit into their narrow ideas of the world; people, what is right and what is wrong, what is normal and what is not.
If it isn't reflective of their self, it doesn't fit.
Today, I made journal covers...and I was told that the real art will be what is written inside. And, I believe that it is true for all of us. Inside of us, is where the real art of who we are lives...
We can be as narrow minded or as broad minded by how we stretch in learning about our selves.
It would seem that we would be open minded IF we accepted all people, without a boundary; to have no lines drawn in the sand, but be like an open doorway, where all can come into our lives and pass out...without restraints.
I am not talking about being without boundaries, but rather a mind that is open, curious, questioning, inquisitive, probing...investigating and wanting to learn more and enter the deeper parts of who we are.
The surface revolving door, will allow any one in, but only at a surface level...
A open mind, will be one who will want to know the soul of who you are; how you were created, what makes you you.
Writing stretched my mind about me...
Here are four more journals without my Art....or should I say the surfaces before I add constrasts, designs, shapes. They are not bad, but just one dimension...
And, with Art added. Imagine then, if you will with words. Feeling words, painful words, sorrowful words, betrayal words...depth, heart and soul...all encased in a warm blanket...a quilted cover...something to hold...a story of you.