"Finding Your Way in a Wild New World - Reclaim you true nature to create the life you want." By Martha Beck.
I am just in the very beginnings of this book, and it isn't about doing what you love or making grand goals, but rather finding your own true nature.
I had just spoken to my brother about how abuse takes us off the path of our natural self as well as the trappings of a strict religion, we are made to fit into someone else's idea of who we are.
She asks two questions.
"How did I get here?"
"What do I do now?"
And she likes the sentiment of Mary Oliver's line, "Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
There are three questions...that need to be meditated on and for us to listen closely to our inner being.
She writes, " All I ask, as you read this book, is that you listen for the real answer to that question. Not the answer that comes from the "you" most people see, with those uncomfortable clothes and that weary, political social face, but the one from your true nature..."
It is my belief, that most of us are not living our true nature, but are living the lives we were taught to live...and that if you removed all the labels and the ideals we grew up with, who would you be?
Can you answer...How did I get here?