"We Sinners" by Hanna Pylvainen, is a book of fiction about the Laestadianism faith. And it has many similarities to my old religion especially in how it affects the children as they enter into their young adult years and the complications of being raised within a rule based religion.
I found it fascinating to read about something similar to my own roots...and how the family members lived this religion or tried to...or failed and its consequences.
It shows the complexity of not being able to walk the walk that is presented AND live your life honestly. It literally forces you to lie in order to be a 'good' christian.
Even as a women who is unable to use birth control and the sheer amount of hardship having so many pregnancies and its wear and tear on the body...and try to be graceful about the overwhelming burden of caring for so many children adequately, let alone your own self.
I was asked to come to a book group and talk about We Sinners, which is why I read it. It brought back the weight of that religion upon my childhood home.
The guilt laden rules of the religion seem so far from my world, like it was another lifetime ago.
"We Sinners" clearly shows how religion reigns supreme and how the individual, let alone the family structure, is secondary to upholding the religion. The religion will make you a fine person and will keep the family strong...it untruthfully says, when in fact, it is the religion itself and its impossible rules that lead to the decay.
When religion comes before the person, the person will rot from the lack of self expression or authentic living...to be able to freely be yourself. Instead we are made to conform into a veriable cage surrounded by rules and sins.