During my yoga date, I understood why it is important to do activities that make you aware of you...instead of doing activities to get away from you. Meaning, when you are in a full length mirror breathing and holding a pose, it is really hard to be somewhere else...or at least it is making you aware how unaware you are of your self.
I have a very good image of me amidst many, but my eye to eye view of myself was really not so concise. I didn't have a true habit or signature of my own.
In the past 8 years, I could see how, as a mother, I had to redefine my actions so that they matched our family values and morals, but now, I believe the finer tuning is between me and me.
Today was a good start...being aware of minding my gap. I either have to change my aspirations and dreams or desires, or step up my actions. Something is off...
While most often we lament at our inactions, perhaps we have an unrealistic goal.
In my world, I am going to act towards health, strength and flexibility. I am not ready to reduce my aspirations, until I earn my way out of them.
Minding the gap to see what is untrue. That I can't act or I dreamed too large!