I wonder how this weather is a metaphor for life, in how we have an idea of how things should be, compared to how they are. Instead of being disappointed with each day, what would happen if you accepted what is...with either enthusiasm, enjoyment or the very least of all Acceptance?
The weather is always right and true...and it cares not a wit what we want or desire, it just is...or does what it does given the right conditions.
I had to marvel at yesterday; we had beautiful sunshine, windy winds, beady snow, rain, cloudy grey skies...fast moving clouds, snow going and snow coming, river rising, mud puddles frozen, mud puddles wet....many types in one short day.
Wanting it to stay and not change is a futile act...it carried on mindless to your desire or need.
To me, it shows the power of the Universe and our smallness.
It shows the insanity of wanting something different than what is.
It is giving us the opportunity each day to learn how to follow and not lead, to accept and not resist and to make the best of each moment...and to not let outside events affect our inner climate.
While we whine and holler about the outer climate, we neglect how we feel inside...or we easily allow the outside to come inside...instead of learning how to keep our inner sun shining.
Gratitude is sunshine.
Whining is grey clouds.
Joy is sunshine...doing what you love, sunshine.
Complaining is heavy weather...biting winds.
Being with people you love, bright skies...etc
So, while the weather outside changed hour by hour yesterday, I was in my own little world, doing what I love....what brought me peace and inner sunshine.
Living separated from the elements is also to live separated from others...meaning needing them to change in order to be happy or at peace.
I love the power of nature to be who she is and to change on a dime, to boldly be...to live with change and uncertainty...fearlessly, and heedlessly, of others approval.
It is Earth Day today...be inspired to boldly live as nature. To express all your emotions and feelings; to say what you need to say, to be who you need to be, and to do what you love to do...regardless of how it is seen by others.
Happy Earth Day...let her be as she is...a vast living Self.