After reading and blogging about minding the gap or the value gap, it came to me that I have a fairly large gap left in my life, a very personal one, my body; where my aspirations for my self and my actions are space fairly far apart. The ideas in my head are disengaged from my actions.
I was on the Stop Only Sugar Diet until I fell off, I did yoga daily, until I is my personal care where I am valueless. Meaning my aspirations are not being followed by actions.
What is really interesting is that I have great care to be full of integrity for others, but will allow a wide gap between the me inside. I either don't take seriously my aspiration or I feel it is okay to let slip actions that only I will be disappointed.
I believe that I will have to act my way towards my aspirations...I will walk to close the gap so I am not so disengaged in self care.
I have been toying with the idea of doing yoga again. My legs, back and joints are in dire need. My body has grown fluffy and soft and not so limber...and I miss the very personal one on one time with my self and the way it felt to be so caring.
The sugar is my other self defeating culprit, that beckons me and pulls me away from my aspirations to be healthier.
I know that I would never allow myself to fall down on my word with others as I do with myself.
I need to start walking my way to my self, one meal, one yoga session at a time.
I need to be with me inside....where my dreams for me and my actions for me match at least most of the time. Now, I seem to think my actions will go unnoticed by my aspiring mind, that my dreams will wait forever...and that someday, like magic my actions will change.
This is an area of great neglect by me and one that I am the only one who notices or pays the price of this wide gap.
It is time for me to close the gap, by walking towards my aspirations...strong, healthy, limber...showing respect and value towards my body.
I am its only caretaker...each step I take will widen the gap or close it.
There is a gap or void inside of me....a space full of talking/ wishing / dreaming...and no actions.
Interesting how I feel disengaged with myself even and the more I talk and the less I walk the more disconnected I feel. Who knew that even our own words to our self, when broken, builds a gap where we become fractured.
It is time I start minding the gap inside of me...and walk for me!