Dr. Maya Angelou wrote this about her mother..."She's very intelligent and often said she didn't fear anyone enough to lie."
Isn't that an interesting line.
Lying is when you are afraid.
Afraid of the other person...or you feeling your weakness with them...I guess it is the same...you are in fear.
I didn't realize that truth speaking requires strength, self power, being fearless.
It isn't so much about the other person, but about yourself. Are you strong enough to speak the truth?
And, I can also see why many lie, because their power has been taken away due to various circumstances. Which shines a light of understanding as towhy victims lie; their power has been taken away.
Just so interesting to me, that lying is a sign of being powerless.
I did not know this.
In fact, I misunderstood lying as someone trying to get away with something, or trying to fool me, pull a quick one etc...when in fact they were to afraid to tell their truth....see their truth, be with the truth.
I love that now, I don't fear anyone enough to lie.