How much does fear play a role in your life? How many things do you do, that you don't want to do, because of fear of not doing them? Or, how many things do you want to do, but fear is standing in the way?
Back on the Ex-Toots blog, there is a list of 44 things that are a sin in the Old Apostolic Lutheran Church. And, there are questions as to why? Who decided doing this or that is a sin?
It wasn't the insane things on the list that caught my attention, but rather how many adhered to the rules without knowing the basis of why it wasn't okay to do them. Like women not being allowed to wear, neckties...for example.
And, it isn't that folks want to follow, but they are afraid NOT to follow....for each rule has a fear attached to it, mainly Hell if you don't follow and shunning or ridicule for standing out and doing the said fashion sin.
Fear is being put into them, not a reasonable reason as to why not.
What I find funny, is that without fear, the rules would be silly.
Can fear really take the silly and make it scary?
Can fear make people do things they normally would not do?
Is it possible to make a large group of people conform without fear being the impetus?
If it wasn't so tragic it would be laughable, to so many. How they have given up the rights to their bodies, their fashion sense, their right to have or not have children, to move around the world curious and follow their inner delights and excitement....and instead of frozen in place with fear.
I know many will suggest that they are choosing this lifestyle, except that they have not been allowed to choose. It isn't a choice if only one way is offered...and fear separates the choices.
Fear seems to be an energy that is standing in the way of freedom...a gate that feels impenetrable.
If you don't leave out of fear, are you really free? Or are you just afraid to step through the fear?