The issue of women's rights has come up with the death of a woman's 9th child by her own hands...or maybe the lack of Human Rights.
What I am hopeful of, is this is the hole where common sense will begin to seep in or at least begin the real conversation of how human rights are being taken away in order to follow these extreme religions...and its very high cost; human life.
When a woman no longer has her human rights, she is not free.
Martha Beck uses the phrase, "born in captivity" and that applies to so many women who were brought up within these churches, how their human rights were taken away in childhood; choices eliminated by church rules.
In the climate where there are no choices, only one way, a person doesn't use their own common sense, it is a muscle that has grown weak and virtually useless...their 'strength' is in their staunch support of the ruling system...not in standing up for their own Self.
You always hear comments suchas, "who in their right mind would do such a thing?"...without hearing your own words..."right mind".
It is hard to explain or articulate the absence of choice and how the mind is created or it feels to live "BrainWashed".
Where common sense is washed away.
Where self and individual choices are beat out of fear dressed in many outfits.
In order to survive as a child, you give up your human rights.
They become a virtual stranger to you, a thing you never quite can recall, gone before you knew they existed.
You know yourself as part of the whole...a the mercy of the animal (church and/or family) and would cease to exist if the family and church were to die. There is virtually no separated self. You only live as part of the whole.
The mind sees no self.
The mind is incapable of reaching so far back where choices lie...without encountering the fear that was used when choice was taken away.
Many people fear freedom, like all manner of hell will break lose if people were free, if our rights were our own...and forget to see the Hell many live due to being brainwashed free of choice.
Just sit with the feelings of no choice.
At a certain point, this will implode upon itself...just as it did for the mom who felt her only choice was to kill her baby...only a confused, tortured mind would see it as a solution.
May the conversation begin...what road did this woman travel to get here?
What is the cost of no choice?