When Normal seems Perfect and all others are considered 'mental' and imperfect, there becomes a need to hide that which isn't perfect.
We have somehow believed incorrectly, that the majority among us are living perfect lives and it is complete and utter failure to admit your life isn't going okay, that inside of you it isn't the peaceful pasture of perfection.
In order to lose the stigma of entering a facility for help with our lives and relationships and most importantly to find peace with your self and your life, we need to recognize there is NO Perfect. Oh, and There is NO normal....and only those who believe it to be so, are even more confused than the most confused among us.
I even wonder, is it harder to maintain the image of normal and perfect, than it is to bear the discomfort of failing to get there?
What if, we all were to embrace that each of us is our own kind of perfect normal, coming from whence we came?
I will fail at being perfect each time I seek to have a childhood untouched by abuse.
I will succeed at perfection for me, when I embrace my whole past.
My perfect me, was abused and raised in a cult like religion. I made choices based upon those two very distinctive events. These two ingredients in my life created a perfect representation of the two. I was perfectly abused and a perfect woman whose mind was brain washed by a fanatical religion.
Maybe we think perfect only in the good terms and not perfect at being dysfunctional.
If we looked upon the recovery places as places to restore our own sense of perfection, they would not have such a negative connotation. Instead we see them as places that will shine a light of imperfection upon us. That only those of great imperfections will enter there...will fit in. And, perfection passes these places by.
Perfection is a myth in the sense that we will all match and look the same and do the same and fall into a category of normal.
What if instead we embraced the individual. That the healthiest among us are the most authentic and original.
What if the "mental health" places were places to go for becoming original....to break out of the crowd mentality, to separate and individualize you from the masses, to perfect a complete and perfect you?
While September is Recovery month, is recovery to recover YOU?
Okay, I had to look up recovery's definition.
"a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength."
"the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost."
So the 'shame' or stigma is that we don't want to admit we have lost our self...our strength or the control of our lives. And yet we will each see many folks living lives out of control, while trying to convince themselves and others they are in perfect control.
Recovery to me, is to regain the power of self....individuality and authenticity, the recovery of being you, Perfectly.