"You prepared to see you mother at the wedding?" my husband says to me tonight. "She's not coming," I say....confidently. He says, "SHE'S coming, so you better be prepared."
I am to prepare myself for this? How exactly am I to do this. Prepare what? What things to do I have to ready for this event?
Is the all knowing, all loving Universe really going to combine these two events; my daughter's wedding day and a unwanted meeting with my mother?
These two items don't match.
For one event, I have prepared, I have done the errands, sewn, hot glued, shopped, ordered....been preparing...to set the stage for her wedding vows...a love party.
The second encounter would have none of that.
I would have not prepared for the unwanted reunion...nor would it look like a love party.
Again, how do you prepare for it?
It angers me even that I HAVE to PREPARE. Like 'brace yourself'....
I feel like the second event is to plant a mine field among the honest efforts to ensure a happy day. It is like a mad demonic comedy...swirled into the wedding flowers.
Prepare yourself....
For what?
For the all the dysfunctional personalities?
For the 'surprises' that these dysfunctional folk bring?
How do you prepare?
It feels like this is asking way too much.
You know, some say that last night, speaking up in public about sexual abuse and displaying my Therapy Quilts....takes courage and strength etc.
But to me, that is child's play compared to being in the same space with the woman who can't see me.
How easy to be with those who can see you.
How incredibly tough to be put back into her presence...to not be seen. Or more accurately for my wounds to be ignored....again.
Rage...rumbles around...like a child in the throes of a temper tantrum....that surely when you didn't have the time or space or effort when I was in the pits of hell....to see me....that you would now want to pop back into my world.
Why now?
Why when the drama, trauma, bleeding, pain, tears, terror, anger, rage, injustice, betrayal, feelings of such huge magnitude, that I thought I would literally go insane...you were NOWHERE TO BE FOUND, and now you want to arrogantly strut in?
Now you will enter INTO my life?
Better be prepared, your mother is coming.
What in the hell do I prepare?
Welcoming Arms will not be raised.
Warming feelings will not rise.
Eager heart not racing to reunite.
Instead the opposite is within me.
Arms raised, palms up in a stopping motion....
I don't have feelings for her....emptiness is there.
Pulse racing in anxiety...knowing I don't want to be near her.
The juxtaposition that will be inside of one body on that day overwhelms me.
"It is your daughter's day" echoes from many voices....Prepare yourself.
I feel like I have to arm myself for war...and dress like the mother of the bride.
The clashing of these worlds overwhelm me....and leave me weak.
"Your strong," they say.
"I am not strong enough"....I sigh.
"You are the one showing them how it's done..."
"I don't know how to prepare"...
Guess I have never been prepared...never given the rule books, the "this is how it is done" section on the mixing of the ghosts of my past with the loves of my present...to take down the barriers and let them all mix AND stay standing in grace.
How do I prepare....to let all that I have stood against come flowing back into my world?
I looked up the word Prepare.
"To make ready - for use or consideration."
Guess what it feels like I am suppose to prepare to be a daughter, a sister Or to use a mother.
I have no use for a mother like her.
And, I feel like they are making me use her. Making me have a mother. Making me engage in even a cursory fashion...to 'consider' even the possibility of using a mother.
I have no use.
How do you prepare for something you are not going to use?
It just seems that the Universe is being unusually harsh about this....to reserrect her now on my daughter's wedding day.
The joining of two lives in love and the public display of a mother and daughter's shattered relationship...the hollow sound of nothing for almost 9 years...echoing among the sighs of love.
One whole and one broken.
Why am I to publicly keep walking among the broken pieces.
Prepare for love with the wedding and prepare for no love with estrangement.
No one tells the mother of the bride "Prepare yourself".
And yet on my daughter's wedding day...the mother of the bride will do her usual party prep....hair, outfit..and then I will have to steel my insides for the encounter of the accomplice to my childhood abuse. Really.
How will that look?
How do I sit there smiling in pleasure in a party dress with the steel battle ready insides...ready to face evil?
You know, that very image is exactly how I had to look back when I was 7.