In Steven Pressfield's book, "What we talk about when we talk about God" he writes;
"When we say that we had a draining conversation with someone, who knows what kind of exchange was going on at a subatomic level? That person may actually been draining us. It may not be just a figure of speech."
"When we talk about how that person took a piece of us, did she really?"
"When we say that somebody sucked the life out of us, how do we know that he didn't do exactly that?
"What the modern world did in its fascination with parts and pieces is teach us that we are individual, isolated human units, talking and conversing and interacting but not much more than that. What we intuitively know, however, and what we're learning more and more from current science, is that there's way more going on between us than we first thought."
"There are different kinds of engagement and drain, and they affect us in much different ways. When a high school student walks out at the end of taking the SATs, her brain is cooked. When you finish a five-mile run or an hour-long weight-lifting session, your muscles ache and you're drenched with sweat. But, when your friend's mother dies and you go to the funeral, that's a different kind of fatigue. It drains not so much your brain or muscles as it drains your spirit. Some events exhaust us at a spirit level, in the same way that some people can crush our spirit if we let them. Learning to be present to our depths means paying attention to all interactions and the toll they exact or the life they bring to that most mysterious, elusive aspect of ourselves we call spirit."
"Remember Einstein's discovery that matter is locked-up energy, and energy is liberated matter? You exert a gravitational pull on every object around you, including people. And, they're doing the same, at the exact same time."
"When we encounter someone inspiring, it may be way more than words or actions that she gives us. Likewise, when someone makes something for us and then gives it to us and it means something to us and moves us, we feel like a part of that person is present in the gift. It's not because we are superstitious; it's because a part of him may actually be in the gift."
"When we talk about the vibes somebody gives off,
or the not-so-good feeling we're getting from someone,
or we're sure that somebody is jealous,
or harboring bitterness,
or distracted,
our bodies are doing the job that highly sophisticated radar systems do,
picking up signals and processing them in real time.
Deep, as we know, calls to deep."
"Our body language and facial expressions and changes in posture when we're interacting with each other are so vast and varied that some of them can't be consciously noticed until they're videotaped and played back in slow motion."
"When you have that sense that someone has more to tell you but you don't know how you know that, there's a good chance that her body sent your body information faster than your mind could notice it."
"The brain alone is stunning in its endless ability to process and morph and transform in response to external stimuli. This is called neuroplasticity, and from it we learn that how we focus our attention actually shapes our brain."
"Joy is contagious,
and despair brings everybody down,
and when positive energy is present and flowing,
we all benefit."
Steven Pressfield.
I would say that mostly I am challenged in the way I listen to my body. The way I allow myself to move away from energies that feel bad. Especially from family members whose energies feel bad in my body.
In the past, I wasn't that is a lie. I was aware of how I felt in the presence of people, but I would not let myself respond in kind. I would endure the energy exchange....for appreances and to be a 'good' sister or daughter.
I no longer care about the appearance on the outside, I will no longer subject my body to negative energy in order to be 'liked'.
Once I became aware of my body's language and its radar and the correctness of it...I listened, trusted and believe its messages. I simply follow how it feels.
My body and everyone's body has this wonderful capabilities. And, I believe, when you discount or override its systems; its dis-ease.
Your body and soul are not at one.
Discounting the body leads you far astray from your soul; your passion, your peace, your love, and joy.
In sexual abuse, especially from a family member or friend, it takes our natural ability to move away from bad. It turns our minds against our bodies.
We no longer trust our bodies.
We no longer like our bodies.
We no longer love our bodies.
We disconnect and live a few feet away from them.
Now, unable to hear its messages.
We do this. For the message would be too frightening to a child to know they live with monsters. Instead, we make the monsters nice and disconnect from the fear and terror that rages in the small body.
Healing to me, is to re-connect back to the reality and to move with the body's wisdom.