My Mail Jeep was in the shop today, needing repairs. I was thrown back into a vehicle that is 'good enough', it works for delivering mail, but it is not made for it.
I tried adjusting the passenger seat all the way forward so that I could have sat all the way over, square on the seat, but I couldn't reach the break. So, I had to move towards the middle...which isn't made for a bottom to sit upon. I knew before the first hour was up, I would have a sore lower back and hip from stretching and sitting so awkwardly....I do.
I counted down the hours...until I could be released from that position.
Finally free....I was told by my husband, my Mail Jeep will NoT be ready today, they had to order a part, they were not prepared for the extensive repair. I will have to return to that car again tomorrow....
So, there I was riding along uncomfortable inside and seeing the outside seemingly confused...with fall colors and winter white fighting to be seen.
It wasn't much fun to navigate the shoulders of the roads to deliver the mail, with a car, when I am used to being confident in the Jeep.
What I felt immediately was how lucky am I to have a Right Hand Drive Mail Jeep, that fits this route perfectly!
An unsettled Mail Day for sure....inside and outside. I was trying to be comfortable with trying conditions.