It is Christmas Eve, and there are many who are feeling the stress of the season due to the conflict of emotions and family.
We are sold that family is love.
Family is warmth and caring and goodness...and for many of us, our experience of family doesn't match the true meaning.
Many are concerned about the true meaning of Christmas; while pretending to be family.
And, those of us who are no longer interested in pretending that the true meaning of family is absent, are sitting strange at Christmas.
For the Season calls for love.
And the baby in the manger; forgiveness.
It seems that I am rebelling against the message...while staying away from family.
The tones of voices echo inside...."When will you forgive your mother?" "How long are you going to let this go?" "You are not loving." "Leaving family is not healthy or healing"....etc.
Like, when am I going to get into the forgiving mode and join with long will I stay in this place, outside of the family?
They want me to quit standing outside and come in and sit down.
Sit down and relax; forgive and forget...move on. It is Christmas afterall. If not during this season, then when?
Will a pretend love christmas work miracles? Will it erase and erradicate the abuse that prevades the family tree? Can christmas joy, and peace and love heal our family on Christmas?
I used to think so.
I used to believe in the magic of christmas.
But, Christmas failed.
It isn't the season that will course correct the long held patterns of abuse...but each individual.
And, for those, who like me are standing outside the family on Christmas.
I wish you peace.
I wish you love.
I wish you joy.
For, what you are doing, is trying to end abuse.
And, when we end abuse within families...they will return to love.