When another sexual assault case is in the paper, (Canadian Paper - link below) it is the battle of he said, she said and witnesses and the 'task' of finding the truth or covering it up.
We all sit on a side.
We all come to the article with our own experiences.
We will lean either toward victim or with the 'alleged' perpetrator.
Until the close of trial, the girls/women are seen as guilty and he innocent.
I see them on trial more than him.
The women having to prove more...explain the unreasonable with reason...and defend their actions...like they put themselves in harms way.
And his virtue appears more ironclad than theirs...for he is a hockey player.
And, he stands with his atheletic career and they stand alone.
Does his career lend more weight and make abuse 'less likely'? Does this make the job of a victim harder? Their actions appear to be more easily questioned than his.
I am interested in this story on many levels...and will follow its trail.
The curiosity of the silence and the lack of coverage in our local media is odd.
For, you know if it was about his career, they the family would be demanding it. Now, he is in the big leagues in a legal fight and we are not hearing it. And, where are the men of the church? Why is there not an outcry for the injustice of women? Who are they supporting with their silences???
Funny how the 'alleged' abusers garnish such respect.
And how victims aren't helped, supported and praised for exposing such behavior...but rather relegated to 'guilty' until he is proven guilty. He gets the innocent billing until it is proven otherwise. And, they get to wear the label guilty.
We as society have agreed with this. There is no allegedly guilty....for the victims...but guilty.
We stand and carry the weight and shame of this crime until the courts and the lawyers 'weight' things out. It isn't the truth that is weighed and measured, but rather the skills of the lawyers.
Will this be...."He who has the most money wins?"
Maybe the Canadian Court System has more checks and balances, maybe they lean on the side of the victim and for justice. Maybe....just maybe the victims are seen as innocent and he the guilty party.
Imagine the change in our legal systems if this were the case?
What I know, is that my father was guilty on so many accounts, and only one entered the court room with him. By the time the courts were done with him, he was set free.
The truth was not served.
Yet all knew the truth...and victims had no victory.
I guess we believe that once the courts of the lands get the perpetrators, it will prosecute them.
I have faith in the victims voices, but not in the courts to succeed in taking these guys off the street.
We will have to see what the Canadian Courts do with this case.
My energy goes to the women standing opposite of him.
Victims are always innocent.
(He was raised in the FALC)