I have been watching myself with choices and how I my intentions and actions don't match and how I seem to be uninvolved or disinterested in long term goals for short time enjoyment or should I say the easy way out. There appears to be a disconnect between me, myself and my body.
When I was doing personal inventory and living from the inside out for my inner well being, I would have two distinct voices talking to me...both on opposite ends of the choices at hand.
I allowed myself to be led by a new inner voice that started out weak and unsure...but there seemed a infinite power source behind it.
My new choices led to a new inner wellness.
What is shocking to me, is that I have the same two voices or choices in my body's wellness.
And, I am also aware that in the very early stages where two choices appear, IT is the time to pick a new choice. But, most often or almost always...I let myself succumb to the easy used road. Like I don't want to 'fight' my way into a new lifestyle.
Whereas the inner world, I had, what seemed an unlimited resource of fortitude to stand my ground. It was like the very life of my soul depended upon it.
And perhaps it did.
But, with my physical body, I am lax.
I will find a multiple of choices, some true and some not so true as to why NOT yoga today.
And, it is easier to eat like I always have eaten, than to try and come up with new and resourceful ways to refine and redesign my eating habits.
What is also very strange is how I am willing to feel less than my best by making poor choices.
While re-doing my insides I would not accept feelings that insulted my truth.
And yet I can't seem to find this same unwavering stance for my body's health.
I wrote this last night....and this morning I did yoga.
It was going against if you will my usual mind chatter of excuses and the 'feeling' of being 'too tired' after sleeping 8 hours.
What came to me in yoga is that I don't have the same value on my body as I do on my soul. I didn't see it as a magnificent vehicle that is fueled by breath and under the direction of the Universe.
It is the instrument that the soul uses to experience life.
And yet, I have overlooked and been disinterested in it, unless I was judging it harshly for its size and weakness...while doing very little to help it.
I would do yoga, but only after my body protested in pain.
I failed to keep ahead of discomfort.
Which is what my choices inward did. I made the tough choices to grant me peace...to live a life of peace, love and joy.
I can see I will have to use the same strategy for my body's wellness.
To overcome the nagging voice of lazy...or the easy way out.... and the road of least resistance.
I had read, that we exercise NoT for how it feels while we are doing it, but for how we move and feel the rest of the day. I know this is right.
If I do yoga, I am giving my body what it needs to help me move all day...without pain or stress and struggle.
The relationship I have with my body is similar in how I neglected my soul.
I can change it one choice at a time.