Signs are popping up, saying... "Keep Christ in Christmas" and I wonder how exactly is this achieved?
What is the application of adding Christ and how does one do this, according to the sign owners?
Is it really done by just saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays"?
That you can literally remove Christ by using a different phrase?
I marvel at the narrow-mindedness or perhaps the shallowness of how Christ is seen or viewed; like words can trump actions.
That you can literally mess up the season by using the wrong words, regardless of your actions this season.
How do a select amount of people know what you are doing for the holidays, what is in your heart and soul, and feel capable to judge you by their ruler of what is proper for Christ.
I don't know how you can keep Christ out any more than you can add God to your life.
I don't believe this is something that is yours to add or delete; It IS.
It is in the love.
It's in the giving.
It's in the baking.
It's in the wrapping.
It's in your emotions.
It's in you.
You can't remove it; for you didn't put it there.
It isn't something that is held in a special box or one date on the calendar, it is in the actions we live each day.
It is in the freshly baked loaf of bread a gentleman hands to me at the mail box.
It is in the wide smile from a man with no teeth.
It is in the wag of tail from a dog happy to see me.
It is the clouds artful design.
It is in the tears of sorrow.
In the emptiness of grief of missing someone.
It's in the perfectly wrapped packages or the ones hurriedly gotten.
You can't take Christ out of Christmas; nor the rest of the year...or someone's life.
By focusing on your idea of what Christ in Christmas looks like, you will not see Him everywhere.
You may be looking for the perfect Christ-like behavior or worship or ritual and miss the million other finely displayed Christ images.
It is in the fine detail of a single leaf, a snowflake, a glitter or sparkle on the snow, the friendly wave or the hurried shuffle by.
Please tell me how you can leave Him out?
He is interwoven in all things.
It's in Art and the the fabric and design....Inspired means "In Spirit".
It's in a gift from 30 years ago...lovingly displayed each year.
It's in the eye of the beholder...and what it beholds.
It's everywhere and in everything, only you can choose not to see it; but it will not be removed.
"Do you see what I see...."