Have you ever consider what your content is? How much of your self you see as physical and how much mental, OR how much you consider the part that doesn't seem to age and has its own likes and dislikes, that is drawn or feels passionate about certain things. The space that isn't body or mind....and then, how much do each part make up in your world.
Like is the body 50% and the mind like 30% and how can you know how you have divided your self.
I am also wondering with age if these numbers change or do they even change daily or minute by minute.
And further more, how do you see yourself and then how does it feel?
How in touch are you with the part of you that is unseen and untouched inside? And, where do you focus most upon? If you can sit quiet and try and see yourself from many angles, you will see you are multifaceted.
I also believe, that when I had shut down and away my true essence; my soul....I was living with more fear, for I was connected more fully with my body. Not the inner psyche, but the flesh and bones (size and look). I was also connected more fully to the labels; but not the lady wearing the labels.
To see my wife duties but never giving the lady doing them a second glance.
Same with being a mom, a friend, a sister and a daughter.
I was all those things; minus me.
The Me that could freely speak, act and be Me.
And, what is so very interesting, is when I became connected to the inside of me, I lost relationships on the outside.
I have been re-reading my journals. I see a woman struggling with reclaiming her inner sense of self and knowing it was affecting how others responded to her. And yet, I could no longer live in labels without Me.
I was taught and rewarded for discarding me.
And, in order to bring me to the labels, it would require an adjustment period. And, in the end, some relationships could not handle the new role with me inside.
I now see myself as 90% soul...inner being and 10% body and mind.
I no longer am driven by the label and what society 'expects' of each label. I have redefined it for me. My labels come after Me.