Knowing that speaking out in offense of religion was going to bring with it many in defense. Even if they don't write and bravely dispute me, I know they silently turn away in disgust from me.
Perhaps what I have more trouble with isn't so much what religion does is what it doesn't do.
You would think that an institution that prides itself on high morals and values would be the first to stand against abusers. Be the first to rush the police stations with knowledge of abusers. I have not bump into any of them in the past 10 years that I have spoken out. I have not had them message me or email me or call me or volunteer their pulpits to share words of wisdom.
Silent with me.
Silent with the detective I am connected to. (I sent an email just to make sure I am not misspeaking here...and I will report back if there is a church and pastor that has gone under my radar and is out there speaking against abuse.)
I have spoken to people of many faiths...and they have shared how neglected this is within their churches.
I am not just speaking of MY experience, but of many similar experiences to mine.
I am sharing and voicing from those who have spoken to me.
Victims...the abused.
In their confusion as they try and right themselves are flabbergasted that the church and its followers are so silent and unmoving.
Like a huge meme that can only speak 'good' of the church and never questions the inactivity against abuse.
What would it cost each person who sits in the pews and has a GREAT faith in its teachings to question it? Would that diminish your 'faith' in your religion?
Is it really your religion and its contents that hangs in the balance?
Your ticket to heaven...your clan and group and fellowship?
Does it have more to do with that, than the child who is without a voice?
Who is in the pews next to you...watching you silently.
Silent for he, like I know you will defend your religion BEFORE standing against it...even when we tell you abuse lives there.
Some will want to hold the Faith and Religion high above in pristine untouchable condition....more so than helping a child in need.
I know you all don't mean to do this.
But, you do inadvertently.
Religion isn't separated from the people anymore than abuse is separated from the abusers.
Your faith isn't separated from you. It is you.
I get that.
How can we then have a conversation about this when there is no distinction between you and your religion.
In your diligence to defend your religion, the failure to be able to see its cracks where abuse lives, IS what keeps abuse cycles going for generations.
I have spoken to various generations of adult children whose family's legacy has continued on for 4 generations AND they all are deeply nestled into the church and its teachings and its 'values'.
I am not just spouting off.
I am perplexed and puzzled by lack of movement from Within the church. While I on the outside appear to care more for its children.