My mind was stirred up and I couldn't grasp a thread to formulate my thoughts against the onslaught of religious words in the book Hush. It felt like there were multiple languages speaking languages that I didn't speak. A gibberish of sounds; but the message was that I had to do something in order to be someone.
And until then, I was an empty painful container.
However, what is so painfully obvious to me, is that her idea of who I am and who I Feel I am are two completely different things.
What I am learning as I sat with the contents of the book and the contents of me, is that when the book and my reality are at odds... believe my reality and/or experience of me!
I disagree that the only way to wholeness is via religions...for I am without one and I feel whole.
My way forward was to seek love, peace and joy. And in doing so, I turned away from things that didn't embody these sentiments...for me.
I didn't need a map from someone else idea of what held these energies.
I sought them out by how I felt.
Being truthful about my feelings led me forward.
I didn't need to do what she and many religions speak of...I used my body and soul.
The way she describes God and his needs are so similar to the needs in many abusive a codependent way.
My experience of the Universe or nature is doesn't need the gibberish to know what to do. Wordlessly and without any prompting or direction it does what it was born/planted to do.
I love that.
And the most imperfect things in nature are the most artful.
Why then is there an idea of us all matching and following one path?
We are all humans.
We all have our own life stories and truths.
Which have left their imprints upon us.
Some of us are so layered in lies, we don't know who we are...until we start living our truths...and bit by bit we unveil our natural self.
I feel honored to be me and feel I have gained such wisdom while uncovering me.
And, this all again was done outside of the constraints of religion. In fact, for me....religion would have stopped me from being Me.
By its demand that I find peace, love and joy....outside of me.
I didn't feel like I met the author of Hush; but rather the religion that stood before her.
I am without a religious filter. You see me as I am...there is nothing between me and you.
My filterless view of the world....tries to see behind the gibberish of You.
Is there a you behind your religion?
What do you look like?
How do you feel and be and love?
Show me you!
My Lady and I...wordless works of Art.