From "The Rescued Soul" by Christina Enevolds....
"Changing My Focus"
"In my early days of working with survivors of sexual abuse, I was chatting with a friend and fellow advocate. With her children still at home, she expressed how careful she needed to be in the time she lent to her work. Both of us agreed how challenging it was to find balance in caring for our families and working in a field that we're so passionate about."
"I was silently celebrating in my mind, "My kids are adults now. I'm free to serve as much as I want!"
"A meek little voice interrupted my thoughts. "I'm still here," she pleaded. In an instant, I understood that I still had me to care for. I felt a bit of tenderness for myself, but it was overshadowed by annoyance. Grudgingly, I made a list of things I should do to take better care of myself and started to work through them."
"As I started, I heard the impatience in my thoughts as though I was waiting outside of myself, tapping my foot, rushing myself through whatever I was doing. I caught myself demanding, "More important people are waiting for you. Hurry up!"
"Even when I did pleasant things for myself, it was a chore to complete. The things that most people enjoyed were a burden to me - I was a burden."
"That was a familiar feeling. It was the same attitude my mother had about children, about me. She took care of my physical need, but she seemed to resent how exhausting I was."
"Just as my mother never found joy in caring for me, I never did either. It saddened me that I didn't find pleasure in doing nice things for myself. I grieved for how my mother treated me and for how I learned to treat myself." Christina
I read this....and then jumped on the mower and moved for a few hours.
And I weeped for the truth of this in me.
I knew I was a burden and a chore...and I knew... I held the same 'exhausting burden' of children...not joy.
Joy wasn't the go to was. Children are a huge responsibility...a weight.
As I mowed and wept...I felt the undoing of the burden and the exhaustion of caring for me.
This is the energy system that was feeding or dragging me....making the care of Me feel so heavy...and not the joy or pleasure of doing good for me.
I bought this book after a women in WIND recommended it to me. I have had it for months, and hadn't done more than flip though pages....glancing at bold headings.
For some reason, tonight I picked it up and read.
And, it was exactly what I feel I can now work on to care for me in a joyous way.
As, I have learned to be more joyfully caring with my kids.
I refuse to be a burden to me!