The life of secrets and hiding, is very complex and often misunderstood. It isn't as clear as things being in the light of day. There are mixed messages and hidden agendas and the dark contours leaves you mistrusting, not only the other person; but yourself. Not to mention the circle of friendship.
Often it is the person who backs away blamed for backing away. And the secret, let alone the one who needs it kept secret, carries no burden of the separation.
They believe that it is their right to live as they choose.
And it is.
But, with each choice we all make, comes a set of consequences.
Some of your friends are okay playing along.
Others, like myself...feel the "something" inside of me that wants Me to push away.
I see it as my truth or my soul.
In the circle of friendships and/or relationships, we are each responsible for what we bring into the space.
And, also responsible for how we react or IF we react.
I don't see how it is seen as a good friendship circle when any manner of actions are to be accepted. Like the friendship alone has no boundaries.
I don't recall in the past many years my having a desire to keep something a secret. If anything, I am too forthright.
I love my circle to be secret free.
For those who enter into a relationship with me, to feel the solid foundation of a moral code.
My mother spoke of morals and values...but she couldn't live it. In her circle, she forgave all manner of behaviors; the boundaries were unseen.
I think each of us are asked over and over, in various interactions with others to clearly define WHO you are. What you stand for, what you tolerate, how you enforce the energy in your circle that connects you with others.
I don't mind the disconnecting.
I know it is what I have to do in order to be me.
Keeping my inner world at peace with my integrity...I move.
I move closer to the truth...and, away from falsehood.
It is as natural as breathing.
I alone define my character.
I will only take the blame for moving...not for creating something that caused me to move.
Having this ability and the courage to follow it, has brought me a ton of freedom.
Freedom to navigate and place boundaries.
If you are unable to are not free. You are in a Love Bond.
Bound in place.
Love is free...always.
You are free to hide and I am free to move away.
This simple, yet profound freedom is to be healed from abuse.
I will not willingly enter into an abusive relationship.
Abuse is when you have no choice.