Three and a half years ago WIND began. Well actually it happened when I met An-gel. I was introduced to her by Tom Rosemurgy.
The three of us met a few times and shared ideas between the victim, the courts and the helping organizations. I spoke and they listened. I was affirmed and supported. I was given the space to grow and to be me without direction.
In a few short months of meeting them, I was honored at the Dial Help Gala. This was in August of 2012. Our first WIND (Women In New Directions) meeting was held in September of that same year.
The space they provided is one that WIND uses.
Their model became mine.
It is hard to articulate the absence of judgment. Or, the space without strings or direction. Nothing was expected of me; so I gave them my all. Mostly they accepted me as Me. They didn't try to change or fix or correct me. I was perfect - even abused. I was all right.
This space isn't natural for many.
It is hard not to try to sort and fix and change others. Harder still to see the beauty and not the abuse.
I was valued, and from that space I was able to step out in public with my head high. I had support.
Together An-gel and I co-created WIND.
Women In New Directions.
She gave me the courage to do for others what had been so healing for me.
Using Art as a therapy. Creativity as a place to work on choices and to try new things and to learn new techniques. A space where there are no mistakes or judgments. A support group disguised as fun!
An-gel is moving on to another adventure. Her time in our town has passed. But, not without leaving her mark...WIND.
She taught me non-judgment.
To look wider and further.
We were the complete opposites in so many ways and yet we worked together...the middle must be where we stood.
Perhaps WIND worked for us too, changing our directions.
Thank you An-gel.
Thank you Tom.
You have no idea what you started when you believed in me.
WIND continues on.
The open space where others come...
To be accepted; just as they are.
Perfect always.
Just as you taught me.
We are not what happened to us.
We are the Light beyond.
We are the inspiration in our art.
The courage in each new adventure.
We truly are Women In New Directions; because someone believed we could.
How lucky am I, that you were on my path!