I wonder about the mass shootings and their correlation to our thoughts. In that, it is the mind who believes that there are superior colors, sex, nationality, sexual preferences, lifestyles, religions etc. We want to quickly ban guns; but nothing is said about the way we as a society have been taught to believe.
In my old church, I was taught to believe that being gay was wrong.
This simple wrong belief colored my world.
It tainted those who were born gay.
And it whitened me.
I was special.
I was better.
I was right.
Born correct.
They were choosing to be born wrong.
Sadly, I don’t even believe I thought further into my thought processes; but that there was something wrong with them. Period. Dismissed. Off my radar. AND, I was right! Being right, I thought no more.
As I sat in the park the other day, a child who appeared “different” walked by. My mind immediately said, “There is something wrong with her.
I was shocked in the terminology and the wrongness that I felt.
For her, it was totally right.
It was I who had something wrong with me. I was putting her outside of what I was taught to believe was right.
This white straight and correct religion feeling of superiority IS the problem.
Our view of setting us up higher, and better, and chosen is where the annihilation happens.
Most will look upon the minorities weighing how far from the mark of superiority they are. Not seeing their value as they are; but how they don’t match what we as a society have believed to have more worth.
Just because we believe this doesn’t make it so.
I have battled with an abused mind.
And the collective minds of my old church and family of origin.
You will be hell bent to change their minds.
Reality and life has no impact on what they think.
Brainwashed in believing what they believe, not only totally, but blindly and without regard to who they have banished to the fringes of society.
These God fearing folks are setting the graph where we all rise or fall - in. No one is equal outside of their circle. All within - special, saved, right, chosen, loved by God.
What they fail to consider ARE the ones they have banned. It isn't about those banned; but about themselves. And, what they don't want to discuss is why these folks are banned.
The easier route is to ban guns; the much harder route is to change the way we believe.
“A mind convinced against its will is of the same opinion still.” Albert Einstein
I see these egregious acts as lessons for us all.
What are you believing about others who don’t look like you, live like you, believe like you, act like you, love like you, etc? Be honest. Brutally honest!
And, where is the line drawn between believing they are wrong and hating? What is fueling these crimes?
Can the guns really carrying the majority of blame for these hate crimes? Do guns hate?
How is it that we don’t want to look at ourselves and see our part?
See what our religion teaches? Who is special and on the right path to heaven and all the others be damned. Who is less and who is more?
What can we blame for sex crimes?
Can we ban our sexual organs?
In order for us to have a real conversation about these crimes of hate, we have to start with what we believe about those who are different than ourselves.
What would happen to religion IF folks all found out we are all equal?
That God didn't make a mistake or people didn't chose wrongly; but that all are perfectly human and equal!
The mind is the most flexible organ we have.
It is also the most rigid when beliefs are laced with fear.
My mind was blown apart when I discovered truths - ugly truths - in my family. Yet my wide open mind was then able to see what else I had falsely believed in. And, in what ways was I completely insane in my thinking mind?
Can a closed mind see its own beliefs and see where it has set people on a scale that sees them lower than them? How many of us want to dissect where our thoughts come from? Or are you free to tear apart a religion when and if, it can't see humanity as equals?
We are our beliefs.
We live according to how we believe.
In my mind, it wasn’t the gun that killed those folks but the natural conclusion of a mind who believes that not all men are created equal.
When we ban this way of thinking - guns will be innocent.
Certainly it is a tool to be used to kill - but without a hateful, confused and insane mind - it is as innocent as a sexual organ.
When I discovered my own insane mind - I was terrified. Of how blindly I followed behind the church and family and its teachings or models. How unquestioning I was. The lack of personal discernment was beyond shocking.
I had to look at the world again.
With an open mind.
A questioning one.
I had to experience the sins of the church to find their innocence.
And, I had to look closely at what I thought was innocent to find evil.
These tragedies are great learning opportunities.
It isn't about taking away the innocent items (guns); but to look at our minds.
Each of us.
All I can say is that my mind had collected years worth of incorrect ideas.
My view of the world was based upon how I was told to see it.
Only a confused mind would believe that his only option is to kill someone.
It is easy to look outward for someone or something to blame.
Harder to look within to see your own personal scale and how others fit upon it.
Not only to see your beliefs; but how you feel about others.
Remember, I was taught by my church community that being Gay was wrong. An 'innocent church' taught me this. Not a hating organization or so I thought.
I wasn't taught to hate them; but I certainly wasn't taught to value them.
When we blame guns - the crazed mind goes un-noticed...theirs and ours.
If everyone could only experience the mental mind. To find the space to look around what it believes and why.
My mind was created by a cult like religion and an abusive family lifestyle. It is no wonder how I saw the world. It wasn't until I seen both in the reality, that I was able to see humanities equality.
It isn't those of us outside of religion that are spreading the messages of inequality.
Nor are we teaching others how to think or what to believe in.
We have no rules, no rights and wrongs. We are simply living our lives based on our own souls desire.
Churches are not as innocent as guns.
Churches are brainwashing minds.
Teaching hate and to see someone as wrong - less -not okay.
What do guns teach - on their own?
Laying in a gun case...
I was born in captivity in a brainwashed community/family.
My mind was completely convinced wrongly.